A Clan Tangled in War

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"RAWR!" Kitty snarled as she leapt into the clearing in which cats were already fighting.

"This is for letting your apprentices on our territory!" Mistyfoot growled as she slammed her front paws across Brackenfur's face.

"Hey! That's MY MENTOR!" Kitty cried, she leaped on top of Mistyfoot and dug her hind claws into Mistyfoot's side till she hit bone.

Mistyfoot screeched and fell backwards in an attempt to crush Kitty, but she knew better. Kitty jumped off of Mistyfoot and let her get attacked by Spiderpaw and Shrewpaw as Kitty drove straight into Icepaw while she and Mintpaw were attacking Brambleclaw.

"Don't you dare come back here!" Kitty growled after giving Icepaw several slashes in the face. Icepaw snarled and ran off. Mintpaw noticed she was gone and Brambleclaw took the opportunity to catch Leopardstar.

Kitty leaped at Mintpaw, but he proved harder to defeat, he flipped out of the way and tugged Kitty's tail, making her fall.

Mintpaw slashed at her chest, Kitty hissed in pain and slammed her unsheathed claws down on Mintpaw's face, making him wail and fall back.

"ROWWWRRRR!" Mintpaw roared, flinging himself at Kitty. Kitty fell on her back and slashed Mintpaw's belly while he was in mid-leap. He fell in a mess of his own blood.

"Great job, Softpaw." Graystripe purred as he fought Blackclaw head-on, claw for claw.

Kitty nodded and ran to the Nursery where Ferncloud and Ashfur were trying to fight three Riverclan warriors off.

"YOU GUYS CAN'T HURT KITS!" Ferncloud roared as her front paw met Loudbelly's skull, he fell back and ran into the mass of fighting.

Kitty spotted Skyheart and Mallowtail fighting Ashfur, Kitty drove her claws down Mallowtail's side and she ran off.

Then she froze.

Hawkpaw was facing her.

I HAVE to fight him, for my clan!

Kitty leaped at Hawkpaw and drove her claws into his shoulders, Hawkpaw cried with shock and made Kitty trip by sending a blow to her hind leg. He pinned her.

"All's fair in love and war." Kitty purred, taking Hawkpaw by surprise.

Kitty took the opportunity of distraction and pushed him off with her hind legs, she shlashed his right cheek and turned around and send a kick to his face from her hind paw.

Hawkpaw fell dazed and defeated in a pool of his own blood. Kitty looked at him and frowned.

She felt a cat grab her scruff and shake her, it was Mistyfoot.

"SNAKE-HEART!" she hissed before shaking her. Kitty grabbed the grass to stop Mistyfoot from shaking her, but the grass released her and Mistyfoot flung her across the clearing.

Mistyfoot charged at her, but the dazed cat dodged it and swiped Mistyfoot's nose.

"Why did you attack us?!" Kitty hissed, rounding on Mistyfoot.

"You were on our territory!" Mistyfoot replied. "Fish-brain!"

"You could've just told us that."

Kitty and Mistyfoot turned around to see Brambleclaw, his ear was bleeding and Kitty could see he was trying hard to maintain his balance.

"We didn't have to shed blood over this." Brambleclaw continued. "Take your cats back."

"NO!" Mistyfoot hissed, and with that, she leaped onto him and they tussled.

"Stop this!" Kitty shrieked. "STOP!"

Graystripe, whom was pinning Loudbelly, let go and ran to Kitty's side.

"She's right." Graystripe meowed. "This was an unnecessary battle, please leave...now."

"My cats!" Leopardstar announced. "Remember that ThunderClan is not allowed on Sunningrocks, this was merely a warning, come back to me!"

The RiverClan cats retreated through the trees, Mallowtail glanced at Ashfur before vanishing out of sight.


"Rainpaw!" Graystripe meowed, the ThunderClan cat ran to his side. "Look to the injured, please."

"But I've only had a half-moon's worth of training!" Rainpaw protested. "I don't know how to treat battle injuries!"

Kitty looked at him with a look of sorrow, Graystripe had took his mentor's life, and Rainpaw was suffering cause of it.

The huge, broad-shouldered deputy bared his teeth at the young cat. That was enough to send him running to the medicine cat's den.

Graystripe turned to Kitty, and gave her a curt nod. "That was excellent battle skills."

"Th-Thank you, Graystripe." Kitty stammered.

"Brackenfur can take you to the Moonstone tomorrow, and you'll have your final assessment before the next Gathering." Graystripe mewed, his eyes glowing.

Kitty's mentor, whom was leading Thornclaw to the medicine cat's den, stopped.

"She's hasn't even been training for a whole moon yet!" Brackenfur gasped. "She's got moons worth of training left to go!"

"I'm your leader" Graystripe snarled, "You don't get to decide how long she has to train."

Brackenfur narrowed his eyes before leading Thornclaw away. Graystripe walked up to Spiderpaw and Sootpaw.

"Take your siblings out hunting, Brightheart can go with you guys, once you return with fresh-kill, get your wounds treated." Graystripe ordered.

The apprentices looked beaten, but they just nodded and went to get the others. Kitty saw them reappear with Shrewpaw and Sorrelpaw, the four apprentices headed up to Brightheart.

She nodded her head and talked to Cloudtail, he played with Whitekit as the patrol set off.

"You might want to get your wounds treated." Spiderpaw pointed out to her as they left. Kitty had just noticed she was drenched in her blood, and the blood of RiverClan cats. She nodded and went to see Rainpaw spreading cobwebs on Thornclaw's shoulder.

"Tansy, no. Coltsfoot...is that going to work?" Rainpaw muttered to himself as Thornclaw licked his wounds.

Poor Rainpaw, I can just get another mentor assigned if anything happens to Brackenfur, but Cinderpelt's death was a fatal blow to the clan, Graystripe has to announce it to the other medicine cats, Rainpaw might have to rely on them to teach him. ThunderClan will appear weak to the other Clans.

Oh, StarClan, why did this have to happen?

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