Chapter 1~The normal Alex

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The normal Alex....

Normal dinner night,annoying siblings, tired parents, mom's good cooking,this is how it should be. It had been the longest summer ever. I think the fact that my wonderful parents decided to move across to the other side of the country, which meant a lot of unpacking in our new home and,oh not forgetting that I had to go to a different school made everything worse.

Nobody was happy with the move,particularly my younger brother,Daniel,he was never going to get the chance to kiss the only girl he had ever liked for the whole decade that he's lived in this crazy world. Cute,isn't it. I guess my older brother, Kevin wasn't that sad about the move. I mean he was going to college, he didn't have to live in this lonely town. Soon my older sister, Amy, would be too. Come to think of it,I have too many siblings,I mean why couldn't I have been the only child. Of course that wouldn't have been possible because I already have two older siblings.

Well I had school tomorrow and I sure wasn't looking forward to it. Eastwood High,such a cliché school name. I didn't want to think too much about it though. I mean what was the the worst that could happen. I was going to be the new girl,surely everyone would be nice to me. Right?

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"Bye sweety,have a great first day" my mom smiled to her words as she dropped me off at my new school. I gave her back a smile too.

Walking in Eastwood High doesn't seem to really have much of an effect on me. I should be sad that I'm not with my old friends but that doesn't seem to take a toll on me.
In the midst of my thoughts I feel something cold on my body,something like a liquid, water!
I turn my to see some tall guy holding an empty bucket. I realise that I'm soaking wet. I look like I had just jumped in a pool with my clothes on a minute ago.*Surely everyone would be nice to me* What was I thinking. I'm the new girl. I'm the prey. I'm the fresh meat that everyone can't wait to get their hands on. If that even makes some sort of sense.

"I'm so sorry" says the guy who just splashed me with water. I don't know his name and I really don't care right now. Besides I just came to this school like thirty minutes ago. How am I supposed to know this guy's name?.
"Look what you did you punk" says another guy who's name I also don't know. "Look I didn't mean to okay,I thought she was someone else" says the splasher,if that's even a word. Either way that's what I'm going to call him since I don't know his name. "Well she isn't!"this time it's a girl's voice.

A different girl walks into the scene,she's wearing what looks like designer clothing and,according to me,too much make up." Aww you still pee on yourself, how cute"she says,laughing at her own words and the crowd that appeared out of nowhere laughing with her. "I didn't pee on myself" I managed to say. "This jerk *pointing at the splasher* splashed me with water". Right after my words I stormed out if the hallway. I couldn't believe this is how my first day had started. To make everything worse,that guy the splasher,didn't seem have any regret to what he had just done.

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