Chapter 2~changes

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You know how other kids would get home happy about their first day at a certain school. They would get home and tell everyone about it. How everything and everyone was nice. How they made lots of friends. Well I wish that was the case for me but it isn't. I didn't make any friends probably because I was lashing out on everyone that tried to approach me. And as far as I'm concerned there's absolutely nothing nice about that school.

"Oh hey honey" mom greets me as I walk through the front door. I'm so focused on going up on the stairs and locking myself in my room. Not because I want to cry, I mean how juvenile would that be. "How was your first day?"she asks and that's when I snap back to reality and realise she's been trying to talk to me for the past five minutes. " Don't wanna talk about it!" I walk up the stairs not uttering any other word and my mom does the same as she gives up.

I'm about to change into fully dry clothes when I hear a knock on my door. "Knock knock,can I come in?" It doesn't take me a second to recognise my sister's voice. "No! Go away! Just leave me alone!" I have no idea why that incident has gotten me worked up. "Okay! Jeez! I was only trying to help." The tone of her voice makes me realise that I'm making a big deal out of nothing. So I tell her I'm fine and that I'll come downstairs for dinner in a minute.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I have school the next day and I'm practically dragging my feet because I really don't want to set my feet on that school ground ever again. People don't talk to me and I don't blame them, I mean I must've looked pretty scary shouting at them yesterday when they tried talking to me. All I get are glares and I see some saying something to each other then either laugh or just stare at me. I know I probably should be sad that no one wants to talk to me but honestly I kind of like it. I've never been much of a people's person so I don't mind.

"Hey there." I jump to the voice. I turn and see the guy that was shouting at the splasher when he's water surfaced on my body."Hi" I manage to say. "I'm Jake." I'm quite for a little while thinking of what to say. "Nice meeting you Jake." Then we're both quite.

He chuckles and says "I think this is the part where you tell me your name." Shit! I feel stupid. "Of course,I'm Alexia but you can call me Alex." I say.

"You new here?"Jake asking the obvious.

"Yeah I am." I still answer the question though.

"How is it so far?" he tries making a conversation.

I don't want him to end up talking about my little water incident so I give a straight forward answer."Good"

An awkward silence breaks through the air and suddenly a red haired girl appears out of nowhere and starts talking to me. I'm not complaining because the silence was chocking all the oxygen left in me. "Hi,I'm Nancy" she stretches her hand and I shake it "Alex" I tell her. " Nice meeting you Alex,remember me?" I find myself with a smile plastered on my face. "Sure I do,I remember both of you actually." Now looking at Jake who has been quite for a while now. "Oh sorry about the little incident,that's just how Leonard is."

"Leonard?"I don't know anyone in the school who that name belongs to, or anyone at all apart from Jake and Nancy who have just introduced themselves a few minutes ago. Nancy sees the confused look on my face which I guess tells her to explain herself. "Yeah, the guy who splashed you with water, you can call him Lee in short."

Turns out I'm now blonde. What other incident would she be talking about,I silently ask my self. Of course Leonardo or Leonard or whatever she said I could call him is the splasher. Which reminds me I should stop calling him that now that I know his name.

"He's a jerk,you'll get used to it" Jake finally opens his mouth again in what seems like forever. I nod not really knowing what to say. He speaks again. "Listen,how about I take you on a tour around school later on?" I smile again. "Yeah, sure that would be great." He smiles back. Then there's silence but not awkward this time,the smiling is growing and I really don't know why but I can't stop smiling. "I'd love to join but I got stuff to do,so talk soon yeah?" Nancy says without giving me much time to say bye and disappearing into nowhere just like the way she came.

"So see you later" Jake also leaves but at least he waves. I wave back as I head off to my first class of the day. As I walk to class I realise that I might have just made friends ten minutes ago. Maybe being a people's person might not be bad after all.

Hey guys,please vote and leave comments. I'd like to know whether you liked the story or not. I kinda need your input on what I should write on my next chapter. I just have too many ideas. It would be nice to know that someone read my story and liked it:). More updates coming soon ;).

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