Chapter 9~ And what happens if i find him?

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And what happens if I find him?...

"What took you so long?" Nancy asked. At that time I swear I felt my brain not functioning well. Why the hell was I checking that guy out? I'd never seen him before. I didn't know his name. Why didn't he tell me his name? That's what he's supposed to do after I tell him mine right? That's how it's post to be. The song 'Post to be' crossed my mind and I giggled a little only to find Nancy looking at me as if I was crazy. In all honesty I did look mentally unstable, giggling at something that my friend didn't know about. "Girl, are you alright?" I nodded to assure her I was okay.

I asked Nancy if she would mind coming to my house for a bit since she was doing anything. Like I said she would do anything to get out of her house. We got in the house and mom rushed to take the plastics from us as if she had been waiting for them all her life. "We'll be in my room." I told her and she just smiled. "Nancy honey would you like to stay for dinner?" Mom asked her and she couldn't resist so she agreed to stay right away.

We got to my room and the second I closed the door I thought of the guy from the store. For some reason I couldn't get him off my mind. "Okay don't even try lying to me. What's going on with you?" Nancy's voice reminded that she was there. There was not really much to tell though. I didn't even know his damn name,how would I even talk about him. "Psst." I baffled. "Nothing is going on. Why would you think there was something going on." My best friend wasn't going to give up on this. She was giving me one of those  I know for sure you're lying to my face. Did I ever mention that Nancy was an African American. But she wasn't raised in the hood  if I could say. Her family is kind of rich so she was born and raised in the suburbs. I'm not saying all African Americans are raised in the hood or that they aren't rich but I guess what I'm trying to say is these people can tell when you're lying. If you ever wanted to bring out the 'hood' out of Nancy then I'd recommend you lie to her. Or you gossip about her. Or anything that could really put you in her bad books.

"Okay fine I met a guy at the store." Nancy's eyes were filled with delight. She was smiling from ear to ear. Like seriously. It's like I said something that she'd been waiting to hear for ages. "What's his name?" I knew I shouldn't have told her. That's the first question anyone would ask me if I told them about the guy. "Well guess what? I don't know his name?" My words turned Nancy's smile into a frown. I would've done the same too. "I don't understand." She said and I could see the confused look on her face.

"Well you see I slammed the door on his fingers and like after that I apologised because I honestly didn't mean to. The apologies went on for a long time but he only said like two sentences. And then I told him my name expecting him to tell me his but he didn't. He just said it was good to know my name and he got on his motorcycle and just left." I took a long deep breath after talking. Because I was had been talking really fast.

"Could you describe?" Nancy spoke after letting me breath.

"Umm he was wearing a black leather jacket, black T-shirt, black skinny jeans and his motorcycle was also black." I stated everything as I remembered.

"Not his clothes silly." She looked amused. "Anyone could wear that. I mean describe his body,the physical features,his facial appearance."

"Oh." I laughed at the answer that I'd given. "Okay. His hair looked like it was both platinum and auburn at the same time but now that I think about it I think it might have just been light brown. He has blue eyes. I think it's electric blue or maybe just sky blue. His lips were pink with a mixture of peach. And I think he was about 6'1".
How did I manage to give such a description. Was I checking him out that much? Why was I even checking a guy out in the first place? I've never done that before. But this guy was different from other guys. I just don't know how but he was different.

" Damn! Blue eyes?" I nodded to answer yes Nancy's question. "The way you're describing him he must be hot. So do you think you'll ever see him again?"

"I don't know Nancy I've never seen him before so.." I shrugged.

"Yeah but he can't just disappear. If you guys were meant to meet each other today then fate will make sure you meet again." She said with a smile.

"You make it sound like we're dating."I can't believe I even thought about dating a guy that I knew nothing about.

"Why don't we Google him?" Nancy's idea was the worst that she'd ever come up with. Why would I want to Google him? Besides there would be so many results it would be hard to find him.

"No Nancy. Let's just forget about it okay? Maybe I'll see him again and if I don't that's still cool."

"It wouldn't hurt trying to find him."

"And what happens if I do find him? What will I do? Become his friend? Let's just pretend it never happened yeah?" Nancy nodded. She had given up trying to convince me to go on her little mission to find the nameless guy. But truth be told I actually did want to find this guy. At least get to know his name. Why I was so eager I really didn't know. But seriously though who was he?

Who's the mysterious guy? Will Alex find out soon? Keep reading to find out. Please vote too.

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