Chapter 1

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I was in my kitchen cooking eggs and bacon as I called my mother on speaker phone. It rang three times before I heard her pick up.

"Hey hun." My mother's comforting voice filled the room.

"Good morning ma, just calling to check on you." I smiled.

"I'm doing good, shouldn't you be at work though?" She asked.

"I have a late morning shift today, so I start at 11 today and get off at 5. Then I have to go work on my piece for Vougish and send it off by 7:30, and what's today? Tuesday?" I pondered for a second.
"Oh yeah, if they choose me for the job they'll let me know by Saturday and we go from there."

"Oh honey, I'm just so proud of you. I'm going to be praying on and claiming that job for you." She smiled through the phone.

"Thank you momma, I needed that." I started piling up my food onto the plate.

"No problem love, but I'll catch up with you later. Sebastian came to see grandma today and he's right outside with his mom." She said.

"I'll be over there later, I miss my little Bash." I smiled overjoyed.

"Alright, I love you. See you soon."

"Love you too ma."

I hung up and went over to the small island to eat. I love Sebastian, he's Blaque's son. It breaks my heart they never got to meet, but Sebastian looks just like Blaque it's crazy. I remember holding my nephew for the first time in the hospital, as he wrapped his tiny hand around my pinky finger and smiled with his eyes closed. He even has the same dimples as Blaque. I smiled and continued eating as I checked the time. 9:50 am. "I gotta hurry up and eat then get ready." I started eating a little quicker.
I stepped out into my steam filled bathroom and wrapped my towel around me as I walked to my room and heard the soft sound of music filling the air. I dried off and put on my favorite lotion and body spray. "Alright.." I said as I stood in front of my closet in my bra and undies. I wanted to feel cozy today, so I grabbed my oversized beige cardigan, my hunter green work shirt, and my grey skinny pants. I got dressed and unwrapped my hair. I played around with my bangs and ran the flat iron through parts that needed it, I had my hair cut so it didn't take long. I put on my diamond stud earrings Blaque bought me for my 18th birthday and I put on my favorite plum colored lipstick. I checked the time, 10:40 am. I turned off the music that was playing from my speakers and grabbed my black bag, phone, and keys as I headed for the door.

I found it very convenient that I could just walk back and forth to work each day, since it was literally down the street from me. That really saved me money on gas. To be honest, at first I didn't like the idea of working at Verdana Diner. But I got used to it, and I actually love it now. I love meeting new people each day and having connections with regular customers as well. It's just a real chill atmosphere.

"Frankie!" A voice called out to me. I turned around and saw Trevor, a guy I work with. "Wassup?" I greeted him. "Good morning, how are you?" He asked smiling. "Can't complain, you?" I asked. "Same, I'm about to go to work and chef it up." Trevor joked around, but he actually could cook. "Whatever." I laughed. We made way for a young couple walking past who were holding hands. "Remember when we used to be like that?" Trevor smiled weakly, it was clear that he was reminiscing. "Yeah," I chuckled. "sophomore and junior year in college, I remember." I shook my head. "Would you ever consider picking up where we left off? Honestly." Trevor looked down at me. "Sometimes I think on it. But I think us staying friends is the best thing to do." I looked ahead. "Ya know, I just can't be with someone and have that 'what if' feeling all the time. And I'm not saying if we do get back together you'll most definitely cheat on me again, but I don't want to have that unsure feeling constantly." I said as we crossed the street. "I respect that, the way I treated you I don't even deserve your friendship. I'm just glad you don't hate me." He let out a sigh of relief. "I can't hate you, I was completely in love with you at one point." I playfully pushed him. "It's just that now, I love you. But I'm not in love with you. Get what I'm saying?" I said as we walked up to the front of the diner. "Awww, you still love the kid." Trevor cheesed as we walked in. I shook my head and greeted people as we signed in.

Today, I'm behind the register and taking the orders of those who sat at the counter. I decided to keep myself busy, so I started counting the money from the register and writing down things my crew and I needed to stock up on until I heard someone talking to me.

"Hello beautiful." I heard a soothing voice in front of me. "Hi, how may I help you?" I blushed. "Can I have the four cheese omelet with bacon, and a large orange juice to go?" He looked at me grinning as he sat down. "Sure, I'll put your order right in." I sent his order to the back. "It should be out in 25 minutes or so." I continued writing the list of things we needed. "So, what's your name?" He asked chewing his gum in a cute kinda way. "My name is Frankie, yours?" I looked down and noticed I didn't have my name tag on. "Marley," He nodded. "Are you involved with anyone?" he asked. I shook my head. "Oh cool, would I be able to get to know you?" He smiled. "I mean sure, why not?" I said. He handed me his phone to put my number in. "You're so beautiful, it's astonishing." He complimented me. "You're quite handsome yourself." I smiled. "Who me? I'm nothing." He said as we laughed. We sat there talking and talking until his order was ready to be picked up. I grabbed it from Sophia, one of the cooks in the back, and thanked her. "Girl, who is he?" She stared at him. "Oh, he's just someone I'm serving." I said. "I see your work boo, he's handsome as hell." She winked at me and walked back to the kitchen. I shook my head and gave him his food. "$17.90 is your total." I said as he handed me a fifty. "Keep the change beautiful, I'll text you later on." I was shocked but still thanked him for the extra generous tip. My eyes followed him as he walked out. "Marley.." I whispered to myself.

My day at work was smooth and enjoyable as it slowly came to 5 pm. I cleaned up my station, counted the money over, and left the list of supplies on the register so my boss could order them for us. I clocked out and went home to finish my Vougish piece, I felt so confident in it so far. I just hope that it gets chosen.

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