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(A/N If you don't listen to Certain Things by James Arthur this won't really hit you in the feels)

It hurts more,

More than last time,

The pain.

Phil, it's piercing my chest.

Like a balloon filled with helium,

Slowly being drained.

And it hurts.

Help me please,

I can't breathe.

Phil my room is becoming smaller.

And smaller.

And smaller.

These walls,

Shutting me and my fears in this very room.

And I can't move.

I'm going to explode,

If I don't move.

Phil pick me up?


I can't run,

And these shadows are carving these words in my mind.

And I can't run.

Help me please?

Phil I can't breathe,

I'm going to drown,

In my own flood,

The one I've created

With my own hands.

Because it's my fault.

I didn't tell you how I actually felt.

And now it's too late.

And I can't breathe.

I need water,

I look like a mess,

That's been running through a hurricane,

Because I have been.

And I need water.

My thoughts have been whirling around in my brain.

And I can't breathe

Phil, help me please.

I'm screaming so loud,

But no sounds are escaping my chapped lips,

A hollow cry for help,

I'm stuck in an old era,

Help me move on?

Teach me how to breathe on my own,

Teach me how to live and let go.

Teach me how to smile,

Without you.

And I know you have,

I know you taught me how to be happy.

But I can't remember,


I'm lost

I'm so lost.

You took my sense of direction,

When you left,

Teach me again?

Please, Phil.

I know I'll keep forgetting.

But please

Come back.

I need you.

I'm like a book,

And my words kept getting stolen.

Write them for me again?

Come back.

I can't do this anymore.

I start to cry.

Because I really can't breathe

I don't know what's happening

I miss you

Why can't I breathe?

I miss you

Why is everything blurry?

I miss you

I'm praying to god I don't die.

Because I need water.

I need to run.

I need to scream.

I love you.

I need air.


  Come back.


                          Because I can't.


A/N sorry I didn't upload yesterday,I thought I already uploaded this oops. 


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