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I was doing so well Phil,

Burying myself into my work,

Throwing myself into a sea of finance,

It made me forget;

The small moments,

The laughs,

The end,

The new girl,

The heartbreak,

The loss,


Until I saw you and her.

Laughing as you sat across each other.

At a five star restaurant,

And I ran.

I ran as fast as I ever could,


away from you,

Away from the loss,

Away from the pain.

Maybe I should call you?

Ask you to pick me up,

Off of the cold bathroom floor,

Into your arms.

Hold me like you did before?

But I couldn't do that,

Not to you.

Not when you had your life figured out.

So I deleted your number from my contacts.

If only I could wipe it from
my memory.

A/N I finished memories and I'm not okay, don't touch me

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