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♡CH. 1♡

"Everyone please welcome our guest, and our entertainment for tonight, Marina and the diamonds!" A stocky build man shouts. The crowd claps in approval and respect as I walk on stage. "Thank you, Thanks. Uh, I'm Marina and the diamonds! It's just me. I mix tunes with my laptop, and I have a few original songs. They're not hit worthy, but hopefully some of you would like to change that." I say as I laugh at my own joke. I sit by my keyboard and play the first song as I sing along.

After the little gig was over, I curtsied for the crowd and they cheered. I figured I did okay, but not enough to be miss american dreams, which is what I wanted more than ever at the moment.

I put my equipment backstage and headed off to the bar section of the restaurant. The menu had quite exotic drinks..."Angelface! Sounds cute. One Please." I say, Sitting up in the bar stool. He passes me the drink and I pay. I take a sip and nearly gag. "Tastes like shit! Mental Note: Marina, Do not choose a drink based on the name." I say as I pass the drink back. "Just get me some vodka." I stammer. "Shots?" He asks. "Yeah whatever." I say. He wasn't that bad looking, actually. He was tall, blond hair, little bit of stubble on- "Miss? Miss. Your drinks ready." He said interrupting my train of thought. I laughed it off and finished the shot in about .2 seconds. The man looked surprised. "Is it because I'm wearing Hello Kitty? Is that why you think I can't take a couple shots of vodka?" I say jokingly. "Smh. It'd like to see you try, pink." "Oh it's on." I confirm, and after about 5 shots, he ran to the bathroom. "I win! Im the winner!" I stammer. Everything is in a blurred vision and there's double of everything I look at. I'm pissed drunk. I don't remember deciding what to do, but next thing you know I was dancing on a table. "Is that your victory dance, Pink?" The cute bartender asked. "Well of course! I won, by the way, so of course I'm celebrating, blue." He had blue eyes. He just laughed and helped me down. "It's getting late, and I'm disappointed that I still don't have your name or number..." He trailed off. "I'm Marina. And it's 1-800-U-WISH." I say and laugh. I stagger to the side and he catches me. "Well, Marina, Should I call you at 1-800-U-WISH..?" He said and laughed. "No, I don't want you calling me." I say. You should NEVER be easy to get, because then you'd be easy to loose. "We've got a stubborn one here!" He yells. "I still thing you shouldn't drive home tho, Pink." "It's Marina." I said reassuringly. "Well Marina, We still have to get you home." He says and takes me by the hand to his car. "Where are we going, Marina?" He asks. I tell him and he drives but while he was driving, he kept looking over at me. "Y'Know, I haven't gotten your name either," I stated. "Matthew burns. Wanna-Be DJ." He said smiling. "Well it was nice meeting you, Matthew." I said as he pulled into my driveway. "You aswell. You know, I heard you sing today. Your talented, Marina. You really got something." He said quietly. "Yeah but will I ever be successful?" That shut him up. "Pleasure." I said as I left the car . I went into my room and collapsed on my bed and fell into a deep sleep. I dreamt about taking on a new attitude, almost an alter-ego. My left side of me was bitchy and catty while the other was Me, Marina, warm-hearted and witty. I woke up with my head in the toilet boil, of course, as always when I'm hungover, but I thought about my dream and what it meant. Little did I know it was a key to my onstage success, and enjoyment in 7 Years.

♡PLASTIC RAINBOW♡MARINA & THE DIAMONDSWhere stories live. Discover now