Chapter XVIII

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"Captain, Ma'am! They got a tank coming our way!" The private yelled before quickly ducking back into cover to hide from incoming return fire.

Pushing herself off the ground, Katyusha makes her way over to the young man's side of the barn and she looks out the window, her eyes widen.

"Get out of the barn, Tiger!!" She yells and without hesitating they jump down onto the hay piles below them instead of climbing down the ladder.

A second later, the screech of a high explosive shell is heard following a split second later after contact. It sends shrapnel and deadly projectile wood everywhere from the barn's side.

The youngest scout in Katya's squad died right there next to them, a flying piece of shrapnel caught him in the back of his head, nearly taking his head off as well.

The body slams forward, face first into the barn floor, causing further blood splatter to spray Katyusha's leg.

"Leave him, we must run if we're to survive!" Katya yells, her ears are ringing and she's a bit banged up as well.

The other Conscript slowly nods his head and the two of them quickly get a move on, getting out of the barn and they run like there's no tomorrow towards the small village.

However, when they exited the barn, Katyusha's reflexes saved them.

Charging around the corner with a battle cry and bayonet presented on the end of his rifle, a German infantrymen plans to bring this fight to close quarters but it's a grave mistake on his part.

Quickly pushing the young conscript behind him in a protective manner, and Katyusha lets her experience and instinct guide her.

When the German thrusted his rifle forward, Katyusha side stepped and she grabbed onto the body of the rifle and she stepped into the man's path, then she mashed her elbow into his face.

There was a satisfying crack and the agonized yell from the German fueled her hatred further. But when she finally noticed the Waffen-SS insignia that he bares on his shoulder patches, the connection clicked.

He's in the unit that led the attack against her home, she'll never forget that face!

It was there that her hatred turned to rage, and as her blood boiled, her desire to see this man's life leave his eyes has skyrocketed...

Turning the normally calmed and chilled Captain into a monster.

Holding onto the Germans rifle that she had forced from his hands, she gets into a fighting stance and with the bayonet presented to him, she charges forward not wasting anymore time.

With a yell filled with blind fury, she puts all her force into the swing that then connects to the already hurt German's jaw.

There's another crack from the jawbone being shattered and she does it again putting all her weight into the next swing of the rifle stock into his chest with the butt of the rifle.

Having fallen down from Katya's last attack, the German's defenseless and the immense pain has him writhing in agony.

Reaching to her hip where her combat knife lies, resting inside the knife cover that's attached to her belt just like her pistol holster.

She then draws the knife and storms up towards the downed German, but when he tried to raise his hands to protect his face she kicked him as hard as she could in his stomach.

Then getting on her knees, she grabs onto the man's collar and looks him dead in the eyes.

"Es ist zeit fur dich zu sterben!" She says before she tightens her hold on the knife's handle and she sends a punch into his face when he begins to struggle, and then she thrusts her blade forward.

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