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I'd like to apologize for the severe delay in this chapter, but holiday events came up and got me from completing it.

Plus my great grandmother turned 101 on December 26th! 

So, I was out with the family celebrating that as well, which is amazing in itself.

Read the chapter to get the meaning of the photo, but also don't forget to check out the external link photo that I've linked to this story as well!

Happy reading everyone!


 On May 14th, 1945 Katyusha became engaged to Andrew, and it was also the day that Katyusha's promotional ceremony took place.

Upon receiving Major, her service medals along with the medals she earned have finally arrived.

She was awarded with the Hero of the Soviet Union medal for personally leading the hundreds of Russian soldiers for the first assault into the Reichstag building. Along with her other actions from Stalingrad as well.

Along with the Order of the Patriotic war, for taking part in the Great War itself, and for her taking part in the heroic defense of the Motherland. Those were the two honorary medals that have been bestowed upon her.

For her campaign medals, she was rewarded with the medal "For the defense of Stalingrad", and that was it.

Next was her offensive Campaign medals which consisted of three (all separate medals). Which were those being awarded for the capture of Berlin, the liberation of Warsaw, along with many more for her bravery on the battlefield, her five years of service in the army itself, and the like.

Finally, her last campaign medal was awarded that day as well, the medal was "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945".

Now Katyusha could hold her head proudly, with the Major insignias on her collar and shoulders, along with those honorary medals clasped to her chest.

Like many other Russians, she received a lot of campaign medals, but it will the two honorary titles that'll set her apart from everyone else.

Boris, along with Rokossovsky were the ones who recommended Katyusha to the honorary title medals, and they decided that during her ceremonial promotion. She'd be awarded her medals as well, she truly deserved it, for what horrors she has seen, and lived through.

Later that year, Katyusha was offered a job at a officers academy to teach and train new sharpshooters coming into the army, and she accepted it immediately and without hesitation.

She was overjoyed when she found out they'd allow her to continue doing one of the many things she loved, and they'd pay her for it too.

Brigadier General Boris Vetrov was awarded with the Order of Victory, for personally leading the charge needed to break through the German defensive lines back in Stalingrad. Which gave them a major footing the Red Army desperately needed in order to begin retaking the city.

Along with the order of Suvorov 3rd class, and finally the order of Bogawn Khmelnitsky 2nd class for his breakthrough at See low heights that nearly costed him life.

After the Great War, Boris continued his career up until he was a Major General in the army, which took him another 10 years to reach his goal and dream of becoming that rank.

He finished the year as the General staffs most experienced officer before he retired at age 60, and he adopted Pasha when he found out that the boy's family had died in Stalingrad on the opening day.

In the beautiful Russian countryside, Boris had lived out his life with Pasha who's grown into a respectable young teenager over the 14 years. The emptiness in his heart from the loss of his wife and daughter had faded over his final years he had spent with his adopted son.

Koyla lived to see his daughter's wedding day in December, but on March 2nd of 1952 Koyla died from a severe heart attack when he was home alone.

During the battle of Seelow heights, Abram, Kirill, and their newest tanker had died in battle.

The APAT (Armor piercing anti-tank) shell fired from a King Tiger killed the crew, and critically injured Leo.

The man has lost some of his ability to walk after the lifesaving surgery, he will always be able to walk, but running, and even power walking was out of the question.

On May 22nd, 1945. The news of what had happened at Tangermunde was finally reaching the ears of the new Germany and her officials.

They put some man power into it to confirm it and later on June 1st, Kristin's family, along with the soldiers who've died alongside Kristin have been found.

Many men were awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class, or the first class one.

But when it got to Kristin, he had already been awarded his Crosses in the war, and there was only one medal left which they could give him, since Kristin did earn all his iron crosses from the Deserts to Africa, to D-day and finally to here, for the fight of Berlin and this bridge.

On June 1st, the family was pronounced the family of a Great War hero, and Kristin was awarded the Order of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds.

The highest medal that could be rewarded, which is equivalent to the American Medal of Honor was bestowed upon him. Kristin's deeds, along with the men who valiantly fought next to him, and died next to him have finally been recognized for saving the thousands of refugees from the Communist party and the East.


May 2nd, 2,000 Brest

The yearly celebration for the end of the world war is in full swing, as thousands of fellow Russians have lined the modern day streets of Brest to honor their surviving war heroes, and Katyusha was amongst them.

Katyusha herself is nearing 100 years old, as the old veteran has turned 94 last fall.

The small family that she and Andrew started have grown, and she's been blessed with grandchildren who are as rowdy as she was when she was younger. But they're all wonderful, and her one son and two younger daughters have grown up strong, with successful lives that they're leading.

Every year, Katyusha becomes saddened the most on the Russian celebration day, due to the memories and all the faces from the war that still haunt her in her sleep.

But with her family being at her side, it's all that she could ever hope and wish for!

It's her family here, that has kept her going through the years and even now, she's still as strong as she was back in 1940, but with only a slower and more fragile body holding her back.

"Hey mom! Smile for the camera please!" Yuri, her eldest son requests and after it took a moment to realize he's gonna take a photo.

She chuckled a little, and then she smiled.

(See the photo above!)


Holy molly, we're finally and truly at the end of the book here!

I can never stress it enough about how you guys rock!

It's your constant support that has always drove me on!

I'm going to be taking a break from writing, and at the end of my winter break here, for when school starts back up.

I'll release the details of the next book in the world war series that I have planned.

Happy reading everyone, and remember, it's your support that has helped me!

Auf widersehen! (:

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