Chapter 3, Call the Doctor

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Forever young, ch 3

Chapter 3



"She's barely breathing. What do we do?" My eyes immediately snapped to the limp body lying in Adams arms; millions of questions flowing, nay, pouring through my mind. 'Will she live?', 'will I be held responsible', and 'what is my father going to do to me?!"

I snap out of my thoughts and look back at Selima. She looked smaller than usual, as if she were shriveling away to nothingness. "Is she conscious?" I asked stupidly. I could see plain as day that she was, in fact, unconscious. I only asked because I didn't want to be the one to admit it...for some odd and unknown reason.

"No sir, she was unconscious when I got there. What are we going to do about this?" He asked, looking unsure as he looked down at her extensive injuries. They were bad really bad.

"Take her up to her loft; I'll call for the pack doctor." I said to him. I watched him walk in the back door, to Mack sure no one saw him, and I called over mind link for the doctor.

'Hey! Doc, we had an injury, we need you at the pack house.' I told Dr. Belmont. He's an amazing doctor; Very intelligent guy. He'll know what to do with her for sure. I can't help but hope she'll be alright.

'I'm on my way." He said in a British accent. 'What happened? Who's hurt?' He asked franticly.

'Selima is unconscious. We don't know what to do about it.' I told him calmly. Why should I care about the infuriating cat, I told myself. But deep down, I knew that I cared for her so, so much.

'Was she...beaten again? 'He asked quietly. Even over mind link, you could hear the sorrow dripping from his voice. 'How bad are the injuries this time?' He asks. I could almost hear the venom in his voice. I, being future alpha didn't like it very much but I let it go...for now.

'Her injuries should be no worse than usual.' I said emotionlessly. It's not like I was any harder on her than I usually was. I don't see why the weakling decided to pass out this time.

I heard a rustle of leaves and the breaking of twigs. I looked over to see the doc driving towards me. He parked his car on the drive way and ran to me. We shock hands in the way that werewolves have been hand shaking for years.

For those who don't know, you basically slap your hands on to the others wrists and shake that way. Much like the Romans did.

"I hope Selima's physical injuries are not permanent. It would be a shame with her mind being as scared as it is." He said pointedly.

He nodded to me and we began to walk to the mansion. He knew the way to her room easily since he'd treated many times. Because of this, I let him go there himself, telling him that I'd be downstairs. Today is the day I begin looking for my mate.


I walked up to my lavish bedroom to find some nicer clothes. I couldn't be wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt when I meet my mate. I'm going to pamper her. She will have the life of a queen. I can't wait until I look into her eyes for the first time.

I walk over to my closet and look for a nice shirt. I'm used to getting dressed up because of the business meetings I attend with my father.

As my father always tells me, "it's best to be a gentleman with a soigné appearance than one with sloppy attire." I take heed of this and pull a dressy looking, button up shirt and a pair of black pants. I then go to the bathroom to take a quick shower.


Once I got out of the shower, I grabbed my clothes. When I finished dressing, I walked over to look in the mirror on the bathroom door and I decided that I looked pretty damn good. Perfect. I can meet my mate and not feel self-conscious about how I look; if I look good enough for her.

Walking over to the table beside my bed, I grabbed my phone and comb. I put the phone in my pocket and strolled over to my dresser. I proceeded to comb my dark hair to make it look as ravishing as my attire. When finished, I walked out of my room with all the confidence in the world.



"Beep" stupid alarm. I tried to reach over to turn it off but found I couldn't. I must be too tired. Damn it. "Beep" I heard again.

"Shut up." I mumbled. Will it just turn off...or possibly die?

"Beep!" get over hear so I can kill you, I mind threatened the clock.

I finally forced myself to open my eye. I was met with bright sunlight streaming in through my window. I was in my own room, that was for sure, but there were medical machines hocked up to my arm. This also means that Dr. Belmont must be here too.

As if on cue I hear his British voice asking, "How do you feel?" he looked quite troubled.

"I feel fine Doctor, thanks for asking." I lied. I felt as if I was hit by a bus and then that bus decided to back over me again. I let out an involuntary groan of pain; one I had been trying to hide since I woke up.

"Now, Now, don't lie to me young lady. I'm a doctor, aren't I?" he said sternly. "Now how do you really feel?"

"My ribs hurt and so does my side." I told him quietly. I don't like it when he worries about me. I am not his problem. He should spend more time caring for the pack fighters.

"Yes...your ribs should heal shortly. As for your side, it is only a matter of a bruise disappearing, so don't poke it." He ordered humorlessly.

"Now why would I do that doctor?" I asked, pretending to be offended. "Have I ever been known to do so?" I gave him a week smile and looked down at my wrist. My smile was immediately wiped away by the needles in my wrist.

You see, I hate needle. Not enough to cause me to pass out, but just enough to make me cringe at the thought, much more the intrusion of one.

Dr. Belmont, seeing I was currently preoccupied within my own thoughts, left the room to do who knows what. He also did not take the needles out of my arm. Yay for me and my wonderful life -cough- not -cough.

I look above my head at the built-in shelf to see one of the books I'm reading. I reach up, with the non-needle filled arm, and grab the book and become immersed very quickly. It is, and always has been, my only escape from this life...


hey guys! posted this chapter and yada yada yada. thats kinda like Yoda, but its not's his cousin. hehe[haha hehe] this chapter is dedicated to my weird and awesome friend... you know who you are. love you all and ill try and update soon!

And I love ye, Julie. Happy now?

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