chapter 12, This One Will Die

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Chapter 12

Kayden's PoV

The rogue was tough, I'll give him that. But compared to me, he might as well have been a pup. He had unruly, brown fur with many tuffs of fur missing. It makes me wonder how many fights he has ran away from.

I glared at him with my piercing eyes and moved into a battle stance. Nobody threatens my pack and gets away with their life. With this last thought, I allowed my wolf to take over...


Matt's PoV

I looked to Kayden as he went face-to-face with the rogue. The rogue, I might add, who doesn't deserve to be in my future alpha's presence. Predictably, the rogues paw shot out to catch Kayden off guard. It, of course, didn't work and he was able to take a good chunk of flesh out of the stupid rogue's hand.

A different, smaller rogue tried to attack Kayden from behind. 'Not on my watch,' I thought wickedly. 'This one will die!'

I pounced toward the intruder and dragged my claws across his face. He howled in pain and attempted to bite at my neck; attempted being the key word. I would never allow myself to be bitten by such a pitiful rogue.

"I want to taste its blood!" my wolf screamed inside me. "I want it to bow its ugly face to our pack; to our leader!" I, complying with my wolf's wishes, finished off the rogue in one, swift move, sinking my k9s into his fur covered neck.

I looked over to see Adrian and his mate "taking care of" one of the rogues with ease. They have always been the perfect team; ever since training started when we were twelve.

Jet, Adrian's mate, had disabled the rogue's hind-legs as Adrian ripped off a piece of his ear, causing him to yelp in pain. Taking that to their advantage, he ripped out his jugular. Ha, serves the dirty bastard right!

I turned to witness Kayden throwing the same rogue he had been fighting before into a tree. Let's just say he didn't suffer for too much longer after that.

I made my way to his side; stepping on the lifeless bodies of rogues. Oh how they disgust me! They are an abomination to the werewolf species! I pulled myself out of my thoughts to listen to Kayden's orders.

"Apprehend the survivors and lock them in the prison. I want to know why they endangered my pack. I want to make an example of them!" he rallied through the pack's mind-link. All around us, the werewolf warriors were knocking out or overpowering all the rogues, at least those who were still standing.

As beta, I am able to issue orders of my own. "Be sure to check ALL the rogues to see if they're still alive, even those who are on the ground." I told them. My best friend looked to me and nodded his approval. I cannot begin to describe how wonderful it feels to be so... appreciated by your alpha, or at least, future alpha; the very near future, I might add.

Selima will be a good Luna; no, a great Luna. I only hope that she doesn't reject Kayden as her mate. I mean with what he's done to her, she has every reason to...

I shook my head; I don't even want to consider that happening. I'm not sure that Kayden could handle it.

______________________________________________________________________________ _____

Kayden's PoV

After watching my men handle the rogues, my confidence in my pack increased. We will stay the strongest pack throughout my rule; that I knew for sure. I had a strong beta and delta, and a fearless front line.

Reinforcements circled the area; always prepared to through themselves into the heap of a battle. This 'set-up' was created by my grandfather. He was the one who brought this pack to glory. He set the standard for our pack; to never accept defeat. I was soon pulled into my thoughts as I thought of the past generations of leaders...

"His mate; my grandmother was beautiful; blue eyes and black hair flowed down her back. Grandpa has told me of how shy she was, and how she did not realize her own beauty.

As a Luna, she was perfect. She was always playing with the little children and discussing the pack affairs with the ladies. My father was born early on in my grandparent's rain as alpha and Luna.

He was the oldest of four boys and had shown, early on, that he was meant to be an alpha with his strength, speed, and compassion for the pack. He was eighteen when he meant my mother and she, being human, had no idea how special she was to him, and the pack. She was frightened by my father because of his dominating presence.

She, too, is beautiful. Unlike my grandma, she has honey blond hair and grey eyes. Mom has proven to be a great Luna and mother over the years.

She used to tell me how it gave her the sensation of drowning and I can't help but wonder if my kitten feels that was around me....

One night, during a full moon, Dad couldn't control himself as he went to Mom's house, went in through her bedroom window, and kidnapped her as she slept. Needless to say she wasn't a very happy camper in the morning once she awoke in his bed...

I being the only male child, had no competition for the alpha position, but I do have a little, nine year old sister named Taylor; a clone of my mother.

I know Selima will be the perfect Luna for my pack; even if she isn't ruled by the moon and is instead ruled by the sun. It makes sense seeing how cat shifters and werewolves are complete opposites."

My thoughts were interrupted when my face was bombarded with a pair of basketball shorts; Matt being the guilty culprit. He smirked at me, knowing far too well that he was the only one who was allowed to do this to me, well, him and Selima...

"All the rogues are being lead to the prison on the south side of the territory." He informed me. "What are we to do with the corpses?" he asked me.

"Burn them." I said darkly. "Burn them and throw the remains over the territory line so any rogues that think they can come close to our boarder have a warning. We will show them no mercy.

With that, I walked away towards the pack house; towards my mate...


Hey guys!!!!!!! I am sorry that it's been so long but I made sure I gave you an update.

Shout out to KissingYourScars and perfectionisntthere, my newest followers.

Hehe, Taylor! You are now a character in my book, you alien red head!!!!!!

I love you all and I will get better at updating, I promise.

Bye bye!!!

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