Chapter 10, New Friends

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Forever young, ch 10

Forever Young

Chapter 10

Selima's PoV

I awoke snuggled into Kayden's lap. It was so comfy! We're in the family room of the pack house and I'm still in my cat form. I spotted a digital clock on the cable box. It read "1:37".

I've blown my day sleeping and playing with my mate. Well, it doesn't matter. I had fun. My kitten arms were still coated in a thin layer of cat nip sprinkles. It'll take hours of cleaning to get off.

Looking up, I noticed my mate was engrossed in some sports game on the TV. Before he could stop me, I jumped off his lap to the floor. I stretched out my limbs and gave out a big, kitten yawn. Kayden's chuckle came shortly after and I glared at him.

"What?!" I hissed. I couldn't think of what he'd be laughing at.

"Nothing." He said; still laughing. I was getting annoyed, and fast.

"Tell me." I commanded. My mate grinned and stood from the couch. Slowly, he walked toward me. I had half a mind to wipe that grin off his face...with my claws!

"Well..." he dragged. "There's cat nip all over you. Like on your back and head and...butt." Kayden said this, trying his hardest not to laugh, but failing. He then kneeled to my left and began to brush the cat nip from my fur.

For this I was thankful. It will save me some time and I can go on a run.

"We should ask our mate to join us." My cat told me. I didn't disagree. Don't get me wrong, I was still furious with him for what he's done to me; more than furious. But what can I do? He is my mate. I cannot keep from loving him and as he said earlier, "fate has already decided."

At the first chance I got, I slipped away from him and trotted upstairs. I went up to the third floor and walked down the hall until I came upon my door. I sat for a moment; contemplating how I was going to open it. I had no clothes so I couldn't shift. I also didn't see anyone in this hall.

I finally decided to see if anyone's door is open and I'll get them to help me. It can't be that hard. Though, since I'm not a real pack member, I cannot communicate with them in my cat form. I shrugged it off and started my search.

I went further down the hall; I didn't see any open odors on my way to my room. I looked from left to right until I came upon room 3F23; three meaning the third floor, 'F' meaning female, and 23 for the twenty-third room in the girl's hall.

It would probably be wise to tell you how they set up rooms in this pack house. Most adults live on the first floor, but some are scattered around the other floors... to control the mass of eighteen-and- under kids. Once you get to the second floor, you see two main halls. One goes to the left and the other goes to the right. The right one is where all the guy's rooms are. The left is reserved for the girls. Before you turn into either hall, there is a big common area. It has couches, foosball, billiards, and so much more. There's also a doorway that leads into a playroom for the little kids that live here.

There aren't many. Usually, when mate want to have kids, they buy a house in the territory. The only little kids here are the alpha's, or, sadly, orphans. Sometimes I go there in my kitten form and play with them. Let's just say I have a high tolerance for kids pulling my tail...

On the third floor, there is a small sitting area with a dividing wall. Past it, you find a bunch of desks. Supposedly, it will help students do their homework. It stays empty for the majority of the time.

Just like there was on the previous floor, there are two halls; left for girls, right for guys.

What was I doing again? Oh yeah, I was going to see if this girl would help me. I walked in to the doorway and she didn't notice me. She seemed to be reading a book. I moved around a bit, to see if she would notice the movement. When this failed, I decided to let out a '"loud", kitten yelp.

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