Chapter 7, Forever His

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Forever young, ch 7

Forever Young

Chapter 7

Selima's PoV

I was sleeping peacefully in the sun; blissful and content. Nothing could ruin this moment...or so I thought.

All of the sudden I was yanked from my comfortable position by big, warm hands. They enveloped me; surrounded me in warmth. I began to wake up but something happened.

I felt a rush of horrible pain centered in my neck. The pain flowed throughout my body with a burning fury. His teeth, Kayden's teeth were sinking into my neck, marking me as his forever. I let out a quiet, cat yelp before I felt my body shifting on its own accord.

His teeth released my neck and I felt his jacket slide over my now nude body. I was also aware that I was nude and in his arms. Our eyes met one last time before I blacked out.

Kayden's PoV

What have I done? I've pushed her too far now.

I looked down to limp body lying in my arms; stray hairs in her face, impeding her impeccable beauty. I reach out to move them from her face and I slowly caress her cheek. I could feel streaks of tears and I knew that this was my fault.

Picking her up, I began walking back to the pack house. It wasn't far but it felt like it was on the other side of the world.

I pushed the back door open with a bit too much force and I slammed into the wall. Those in the room looked up to me and then to the person in my arms. It was then that a guy in the pack stood and started towards us.

"What did the weakling do this ti-" he was cut off when he noticed my mark and he backed away when he heard me growling.

"He should die for disrespect my mate!" my wolf yelled. I ignored him and continued on my way to my bedroom. He didn't know she was my mate. I haven't announced it yet. I have not had any time to do so.

My mother, who had been in that room, talking to some ladies in our pack, followed me.

I didn't bother shutting my door as I walked into my room and laid her on my bed. My mother walked in after me and hurried ti my side.

"Selima's your mate?" she asked softly. She knew of all the abuse I'd put her through. Though it disappointed her, she never spoke against me because it would hurt my reputation in the pack. If only she had....

"Yes, she is my mate." I said as I smiled down at her "sleeping" form. She was far from sleeping, she had passed out. "I just marked her." I told her.

"Son, you're not hurting her, are you?" my mom asked slowly. I could tell she was afraid of the answer.

"Not since I found out she was mine." I confessed truthfully. I hung my head in shame and if I had been in wolf form, my tail would be between my legs.

She contemplated my words for a moment before kneeling down on my bed next to Selima. "Go get a get a washcloth from your bathroom and run some water over it." She ordered. I did as she said and brought it to her.

She then proceeded to dab at the fresh mark on my kitten's neck and then hold the cloth to it. I got the bright idea to grab a few pain relievers for when my mate wakes up. I filled a glass of water and set it on the table next to my bed.

I realized that her neck would hurt for a while but the pain will soon go away. What I will need to be careful about is whether she'll go into heat or not and if so... how I should handle it.

"Argh...har...rahn." I heard coming from my kitten. She started to moan some more and move around; kicking her legs out. It was so cute! Finally, she made one last flop onto her stomach. "Mmm," she moaned in content.

Mom smiled down at Selima and put a hand on my shoulder. "You two will get through this and she will come to love you. Just give it time." She said as she pulled me into a motherly hug. She gave me a kiss on the cheek then turned toward Selima.

She bent down and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. I am glad to see that my care so much for my mate. "I'm so glad you're my daughter." Mom said to her, even though she couldn't hear. "I love you already." I heard her whisper though I wasn't meant to.

My mother soon left me to face the trials of my, most likely angry, mate. I mean seriously, it'll be cute to watch her try to scratch and claw at me. I would grab her wrists and-

I was cut off by the frightened and furious face of Selima looking up at me. She tried to sit up but I gently pushed her back down onto the bed. I didn't want her to get hurt.

It was then that she became more aware of her surrounding and realized that she was, in fact, lying in my bed. Her eyes became wide and her body was visibly shacking. Reaching down to comfort her, I slowly massaged her shoulders. She let it happen for a moment before slapping my hand away, though it didn't surprise me. I've only ever hurt her; I cannot expect her to fully except my touch...yet.


Selima's PoV

The first thing I saw when waking up was Kayden, standing next to me, staring at me...creepily. He hasn't noticed me yet though.

I feel awful. That is the best way to describe how I feel. Not only do I still need to recover from Kayden's previous punishment, but I now get the joyful task of handling the physical pain of his mark, deeply engraved into my neck. But I also get to live with whatever emotional abuse her throws my way. Now isn't my life just dandy?

He finally snaps out of his thought as I sit up.

"I wonder what he was thinking about?" my cat says dreamily. "I bet he was thinking of us."

It was just then that I began to look around. I wasn't in my loft and I wasn't in a hospital room. I was in a large, lavish room on a king sized bed. I was in....Kayden's room. I was on Kayden's bed....where he sleeps.

I started shacking uncontrollably and it became painful.

I look into his eyes and I feel my walls breaking down. NO! I couldn't let that happen. I'll only get hurt in the long run.

My cat, though, had other ideas. "No more walls aloud! Not for my mate!" She screamed in my head.

He reached down towards me and began to massage my shoulders. I melted at his touch at first but forced myself to push him away. I wouldn't fall for him.

He looked upset by this but I didn't care too much. My cat felt awful but... she'll get over it. I mean really, he deserves to be hit by a plane! Well, maybe not a plane, but a small bus. Rawr!

"I'm going to introduce you to the pack tomorrow." He informed me.

"They already know me. Why do I need to be introduced?" I asked him. He smiled and grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"I need to introduce you as my their future Luna." He said proudly. In fact, he looked like the parent of a person who won the Nobel Prize

"I can't be a Luna." I told him factually. "I'm a cat shifter, the moon doesn't rule me." I stated humorlessly.


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