Chapter 16

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I wake up in a bed, it's not my bed though. My head hurts and this room smells funny but familiar. Then I realise, I'm in a hospital. The last thing I remember is being in Calum's car.

I manage to sit up even though my head hurts like crazy. I notice that I'm not the only one in the room, Michael is sat up in a bed beside me on his phone.

"Cameron will be happy you're awake," he says.

"What happened?" I ask,

"Cameron crashed the car into a lorry, which by the way wasn't his fault, then you passed out, I hit my head on the window and Kayla basically panicked cause she thought you were dead. Um, Cameron managed to turn the car so Calum didn't get hit and neither did Cameron. Kayla was crying. Calum got out and called an ambulance. Cameron couldn't get out cause his door was jammed. The ambulance came and now we're in hospital." He explains.

It takes a minute to sink in.

"Is Cameron okay?" I ask, panicked.

"Um, yeah, he just got whiplash along with Kayla," he says,

"What about Calum?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah he's fine, they're all just a little worried about you," he shrugs.

I go on my phone since there's not much else to do in the hospital. They did a few checks on me and said that it's not safe to lie down in a car even though I only did it for a second. 

Calum went to get me some food and Cameron is sat next to my bed on his phone. Kayla decided to go home since they were taking up too much space in the waiting room.

I had so many notifications on my phone from Twitter saying that they hope I'm safe. Cameron tweeted about what happened and #RileyBeSafe started trending for a while. Also #MichaelBeSafe trended too. Things like that make up for all the hate.

Michael and I have to stay in hospital for a few hours because of our head injures. Which is not that bad I guess, at least we don't have to stay in over night.

Cameron said mom invited a few family members over for my birthday so I'm really excited to see them. My mom and dad divorced when I was really little but they always come together on my birthday which I'm really thankful for.


A nurse finally comes in to tell us we can leave. 

We walk out the hospital doors and begin walking in the direction of the car. 

"Wait, if Calum's car in ruined how are we getting home?" I ask Cameron,

"Kayla's picking us up," he says.

I nod.

We get into Kayla's car, "Happy birthday!" She says, pulling my into a hug. When we let go she hands me a bag.

I open it up to reveal an iTunes gift-card, an eos lip balm, a Starbucks gift-card and a bracelet. We always get matching bracelets on each others birthdays, we have about eight now.

"Aww thank you!" I say, pulling her into another hug.

"Mom says hurry up," Cameron says, reading a text from his phone.

"Okay," I say and buckle my seat belt.


It takes about thirty minutes to get back home which isn't long but it felt like ages. I'm so excited to see everyone. My family don't live very close to us so it's always great to see them.

We walk through the doors of my mom's house and there are balloons everywhere. My uncle John is the first person to come up to me. "How's my little Rylie?" He asks as he pulls me into a hug.

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