{LEMONNNNN} Kano x Kido: its lust...uhh... [REQUESTED]

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oh and my watty friends should look away too cuz they will never see me as the same person ever again ;-;


Kano POV

poor, poor danchou...looking all cold on her bed as i watch her resting peacefully...

though i still don't remember how she got a cold...i mean like...


Momo: "oi, minna! were going ice skatingggg!~"

Kido: "e-eto...i-i think i'm gonna pass..."

Marry: "i don't know what it is...but i want tsubomi-chan to join!~"

Kido: "..."

*end of flashback*

o-oh yeah....THAT...

"S-Shuuya...." She said in hushed voices....I answered with a grin and asked "what is it~?"

"C-Could you...prepare a warm bath...?" She finished her sentence with a cough
"Oh, you gonna request a guy to prepare a bath for you~? Huehue, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , could the guy watc--"
"D-Damere!" She jolted up from the bed with her face flushed

"Kuku~ I was just kidding danchou! Silly!" I giggled a bit then opened the bathroom door with a smirk on my face

Kido POV

G-Geeze...what is he even thinking?!...

I just slouched back on the bed, sinking in the covers...

....but I gotta say...I wouldn't mind if he di--
Wait what.

okay, I am reallyyyyy sick now...mentioning shuuya...

I was about to take a little nap to wait for him but....
"Danchouuu!~ its doneeeee!~"

I heard the little idiot calling me, I stood up weakly and walked step by step...

"Okay danchou, you already got this right? I'm just gonna eat a little....snack." Kano walked pass me and I could've swore....

I saw a sneaky smirk that stretched from his face.

Seriously,what is he even planning...?

I shrugged it off and got to the bathtub, blending in with the steaming heat ....

...I dozed off to sleep, but,
I heard the door open and then got closed, I saw the figure of shuuya

I immediately opened my eyes wide "S-Shuuya! W-What are you doing here!?" My breath has gone to max, I don't know what he's planning but I have a bad feeling....er, or like how people say it...'good feeling' about this...

"Awww, you caught me! *takes a step forward* 'say...since you caught me....shouldn't you be receiving a...prize?~"

I felt weak, I felt numb, but why? I glanced up to him and...

Oh no....its lust, uhh....hmmm....think, think! How to get out from this situation!

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