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Kurorin: *yells* CHRISTMAS IS HEREEEEE!!!!

Hibiya: hey, you didn't have to shout that much, its not like a rave or something

Shintaro: *plays with ball that marry gave him*

What is wrong with me.

Ene: goujushiiiinnn! Thanks for installing that file!~ *spins around with her red sweater*

Kano: D-Danchou!! W-We have a problem!

Kido: if its your fault then I'm gonna break you

Momo: A-Actually...danchou, Konoha is eating all the food

Kido: WAIT WHA--

Konoha: *eating, keeps eating, more eating, eating*

Shintaro: *sweatdrop* u-uhh...

Kurorin: oh come on! Give him a break, its his birthday!

Kuroha: its 25.

Kurorin: Oh. *looks at Konoha*

*gasp* HE'S GONNA EAT ALL THE HAMBURGS!!! NUUUUU!!! *runs towards Konoha*

Hiyori's spirit: *sweatdrop* it turns bad.

Hibiya: *gasp* YOUR ALL HERE?!

Ayano: yup! Lady Azami brought us here!

Marry: *gets hugged by Azami, Shion, and Tsukihiko*


*everybody glares at Kuroha*

Kurorin: a-anyway...I made this draft on the exact Christmas day but I might publish it at 26 because I'm goin' somewhere

Ene: yeah, yeah, blah blah, noW LETZ PARTEHHHH!!!

Kenjiro: *reading a book and sighs* people these days...

Ayano: *holds Kenjiro's hand* C'mon dad! Let's party!!

Kenjiro: h-hey! M-MY BOOK!!! *gets dragged away by his daughter*

Kurorin: like father, like daughter I guess *laughs while munching a burger*

Seto: *shounen rave*

Kano: WHere'S mY DiRTy

Marry: *bumps on people dancing* g-gomen! Ah! G-Gomennn!

Kido: *crash on da couch*

Hiyori: *eating gelatin*

Hibiya: *feeling uneasy*

Hiyori: hey

Hibiya: h-hUwat.

Hiyori: I heard you couldn't save me in the manga. how dare you

Hibiya: #SorryNotSorry

Hiyori: you kansui

Ayaka: *chuckling at everyone who are dancing*

Ayano: *huff huff* Mom!

Ayaka: ...? Yes?

Ayano: *pushes Kenjiro towards Ayaka* have fun mom and dad! *dances 5 meters away from them*

Kurorin: hey guys! How was your Christmas?

Kuroha: horrible. *sniff*

Kurorin: I was talking to the readers.

Kuroha: oh....

Kurorin: anyway, *gives him a stuffed serpent*

Kuroha: *gasps then holds the snake in the air* YOUKOSO WAGA TAINAI E

Kurorin: there we go.

Kido: *wakes up* not dis shiz again....

Momo: *takes shintaro's keyboard then smashes it slow motion to the ground*

Shintaro: *yells 'no' in slow motion*

Seto: *Shounen tired*

Ene: *making a virtual snowman*

Konoha: *sleep-eating*

Azami: *chuckles* its kinda fun here in the human world...

Kenjiro and Ayaka: *dances Tango while people cheer*

Kurorin: okay, since everyone is tryna party, imma talk to the readers

Kurorin: okay! I hope you guys had enough of this randomness XD

Well then, M.C to you guyssss!!!!

Also, I'm STILL working on the x reader requests though, sorry if it takes a long time...


Keep requesting minna!~~£

*everybody puts their hands in the air*


Kagrepro Oneshots (x Reader, Etc.) (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now