Kano x reader: a mask full of smiles [REQUESTED]

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Your POV

I kept swinging my legs back and forth at the bench near the children's playground, so...apparently, I'm in the park :v

AAAAANYWAY I was trying to wait for the dan but...no clue :c

Now let's see here, I'm not-that-active-but-active type of person, kinda like kano buuut not laughing at everything though *sweatdrop*

And for some odd reason FAITH wanted me to have the same power as kano the "decieving eyes"

*sigh* Thank you, faith :v

"(Y/N)-chaaaaan~!" Momo was running with the dan while waving her hand at me

"Heyyyy, what took you guys so long?" I grinned at everyone but I noticed someone was missing

"And where's shuuya?" I tilted my head in confusion then I noticed...


"What're you talkin' about? I'm right here!" The Momo that waved at me pointed at herself

"Ehh...but your Momo-chan....and YOU are Momo-chan too?! HOW THE--"

my sentence got caught off by kido suddenly hitting Momo with a newspaper she found on the floor

"Baka, don't decieve her, you know we could tell its you but she doesnt" kido glared at HER but it was actually...

*Grabs shintaro's keyboard and smashes his head with it*


The whole dan went to go get some ice cream, leaving me and that fox-eyed idiot

"C-C'mon (Name)-chaaan!~ i was just kidding arounddd!~" he grinned while flailing his arms above his chest

"HMPH! BAKA!" i pouted and tapped my foot up and down out of anger

"Ehhhh?! Eto...what can i do to make it up to youuu?~" his smile vanished a bit which was replaced with an eager mood

"Hug meh!" I pleaded as if i was a king

...pft! Nice one (Name)-chan, like there's no way that could happen! HAHA--..

my thoughts got cut off when i felt warm arms wrap around me

...wait...i wasn't serious...did he really--...

"HAAAAAH?! WHAT'RE YOU DOING BAKA HEAD! LET GO OF MEEEE!" i struggled but his grip got tighter

"I'm making you feel better (Name)-chan! Just like what you said!~" he had his normal cheery voice but my shirt was starting to get wet

"ETO WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME SHIRT KANO SHUUYA" i panicked and tried to see his face but i couldn't since he was facing the ground

"K-Kano..." I said with a serious tone with a hint of annoyance in my face

"Don't leave me..." Kano sniffled a little bit and hugged me tighter

...what happened to him? He was just all happy but now he's crying? Wh...

"Wh-What are you talking about?" Annoyance turned to worry when he said those words

"Y-You still remember...right?..." He looked up to me and struggled to make a smile since he had tears flowing down

~le flashback when 8 yrs. old~

"Kano-chaaaaan!~" i yelled at my lil' buddy which turned around and smiled

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