Chapter one

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"Summer officially sucks!" I told my best friend Natalie while I packed the bundle of clothes that were currently in a pile on the floor. "I can't believe your mom is taking you away from me" she whined and pouted.

Apparently all summer mom will be on a business trip so she is sending me to my dads.

You think I should be ok with that, we'll your wrong, she decides to send me with my dad, who I haven't seen since I was two freaken two and why because he ran off with some tramp.

"She could of sent me with anyone else but no she sent me with my dad."

"Where does your dad stay anyway"

"Um California"

"California" she shrieked, then ran in my closet.

"Natalie what are you doing" I laughed.

She came out my closet struggling with my other huge suit case, she unzipped it and sat in it.

I laughed at the sight.

Since she was 5'4 she could fit in my humongous suitcase. "Natalie sweet heart what is wrong with you" I asked with my eyebrow raised, amusement clearly on my face.

"You know how I've always wanted to go to California Nicole I am coming with you." She declared with a happy expression.

"Hun it's like a 12 hour flight how are you gonna eat or breath."

"Oh" she said defeated and stepped out.

I sighed frustrated with my bag that wouldn't close.

"Natalie come sit on this stupid bag"

When she did I finally managed to zip it up.

"Yeaaaa, baby finally!" I cheered ecstatic that I finally closed it.

"I thought that bitch would never close." I sighed as i plopped down on my bed while Natalie sat beside me.

"Ugh, Nic why can't you just stay by me," she whined

"I want to but of course my mom said it will give me a chance to meet my farther, meet new friends blah blah. "

"Pla -ese you ain't gonna find a bitch crazier than meh."

She stated said I laughed

"You got that right." I agreed.

"We'll I got to go before my mom has a cow."

I laughed at that her mom was crazy protective , the latest she can be out is 9:00, and even then they don't really like her driving in the dark.

"I don't know how there gonna survive when you move out this summer to go to college."

She nodded "I don't ether but hey maybe they'll adopt another kid so they can terrorize them."

She got up smiling and shaking her head, and pulled me into a hug.

I could hear her sniff and my gut twisted a little I knew I would hate this part.

"God I'm gonna miss you" she whispered. "I'm gonna miss you to." She pulled back and I saw the tears forming in her eyes.

"Ugh, great now my make up is gonna run ain't no body got time for that." She said and I rolled my eyes at the stupid YouTube video she got that from.

"Well I should go bye love you, oh and you better text me when you make it." She said closing my door.

I can't believe I'm not gonna see her regularly like I used to. See me and Natalie might as well be connected to the hip where I am she is and where she is I am.

Like that time she broke her leg flying of the trampoline I was there or the time I broke my arm trying to do a cartwheel for a stupid bet to impress some boy she was there, and now I'm only going to see her maybe once a month because she going to college and I can't even spend as much time as I can with her.

Why? Because I have to go by my oh wonderful dad. And I may be going to college also I don't know yet.

I sighed and got changed into my pjs.

"EMBRACE ME" I yelled before flying on my bed that was calling me.

You know a whole bunch of thoughts should be running through my head right now but all I could think of is how I really could use a milk shake right now.

And with that I fell asleep dreaming of me drinking a large chocolate milk shake with a bunch of whipped cream on top.



Hey guys hoped you liked this chapter.. Yea I know a little boring but once you get passed this little backstory it's great.

Love you guys


Pic of Nicole on the side>>>>

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