Chapter 18

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Heyy so I think I will upload the first chapter to Falling for my brother tomorrow so have a look out for that,

Hope you like this chapter I have another surprise for ya mwahahaha lol here's chapter 18


After we finished breakfast we decided we would spend girl time at the movies, we went see The Heat,

you know the movie with the two cops. Yea, my god in the movie Natalie, Emma and I were laughing so loud people actually threatened to get someone.

But we didn't care, hey if something funny its not our fault.

Well maybe Emma did go a little over board with the throwing popcorn at random people.

We decided to try and sneak in to the movie Now you see me, but Karma is a total bitch,

Right in the middle of the movie, guards came in searching for us, some dick probably ratted us out.

Thankfully we got out with out them seeing us, but I made a mental note NEVER to go to the movies with Natalie and Emma again.

"SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND" Natalie screamed, by way Is what she calls singing, in the back seat.

Me and Natalie groaned, "and I thought you couldn't sing" she mumbled rubbing her temple,

I rolled my eyes.

Maybe if I turn up the music it will drown her out I thought as I turned it up, but boy was I wrong.


"SHUT UP" me and Emma screamed at the same time.

"Or I swear I'll duck tape your skinny ass to the roof" Emma snarled.

I laughed as Natalie shook out her tongue but kept quiet.

We finally made our way to the house and swiftly got out.

I started walking to the door, Emma and Natalie following while chatting behind.

I'm glad they get along well, were now THE THREE MUSKATEERS!!!

I was just about to open the door when Natalie stiffened and rose her head and sniffed the air.

I looked at her confused "what's wrong Nat?"

"Don't you smell that?" She asked still sniffing the air.

Is she going crazy, Emma had the same confused look on her face also, yep defiantly crazy.

"How can you not smell that, mmm, my god it smell so good" she said licking her lips. I raised my eyebrows, "what exactly do you smell my mental child?" I asked.

"It smells woodsy mixed with cinnamon, my favorite" I formed an o shape with my mouth playing like I understood what she was talking about.

"What ever it is it has my wolf going nuts, she's never acted this way before" she said confused.

Emma grabbed my arm "I think I know what's going on" she whispered to me and opened the door.

Me and Natalie followed behind, "hey guys" I greeted, and went sit next to Collin who put me on his lap.

Collin, Arron, and Dillon were all on the coach watching a scary movie.

Suddenly Dillon stiffened along with Natalie.

Dillon stood quickly and sniffed the air like he was looking for something and when his eyes landed on Natalie, his eyes switched from his normal color to black then back to his normal eye color again, like he was fighting something, probably his wolf.


All of a sudden a smile broke across Dillon's face and Natalie's.

Wow that was the most genuine smile I've seen her have since, well ever.

Ok now I'm utterly confused, "Collin?" I asked hoping he knew what was going on.

He smirked, "wait for it" he said still looking at them both.

I turned my attention back to them and watched as Natalie shyly made her way to Dillon who was wow was he blushing, well that's new.

She stood in front of him as if asking permission but I guess he answered by chuckling and grabbing her waist and kissing her.

My mouth hung open.

What the hell is going on in here.

"Ok a explain now please" I asked Collin my nose now scrunched up in disgust, I mean I'm happy for what Evers going on with them but now I know what 'HEY GET A ROOM' means, there practically sucking each other faces off, no vacuuming.

"There mates" he said and smiled.

I formed yet another o shape with my mouth now understanding what was unfolding in front of me.

I cleared my throat hoping to get there attention but they didn't notice.

Well ok then.

"HEY" I yelled clapping and they pulled apart looking shocked.

"I'm happy for you to but get a room god dammit" I said calmly.

Natalie blushed and I couldn't help but giggle, Dillon on the other hand was smiling like he was the luckiest man in the world.

"We'll I see you've finally met Natalie " Emma told Dillon and he blushed.

"We'll I'm just gonna show Natalie her room" Dillon said and I saw Natalie shutter when he did and I gave her the look saying 'yea I know the feeling'

"Mhm just remember use protection" Arron snicker that owned him the bird from Dillon as he made his way upstairs with a blushing Natalie behind.

"Thank you I am number one" he laughed.

"God dammit I can't believe he found his mate before me, that shit anit right" Arron scowled and pressed play to finish watching the movie.

I couldn't help but laugh at that,

"That's what you get for writing faggot on my head remember karma is a bitch who is currently on my side" Collin said smugly and I rolled my eyes.



Soooo how was it good tell mee!! Lol

I don't think it was my best chapter but I hope it was ok.


~ Ashley

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