Chapter 3

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Did I mention I hate heights, I didn't, well I do,

so being on a plane for almost two days makes me a little shaky, who am I kidding, MY HANDS WON'T STOP SHAKING.

"Ladies and gentlemen please turn of your electrical devices we will be landing in California in a minute, thank you for flying with us and have a good day."

"Good day my ass, just land this death trap" I cried to the voice making everyone look at me.

I just shrugged.


"Land, land o my god land I never thought I would see you again" I cheered running off the plane into the airport.

"Nicole!" My mom yelled coming into the airport. "Stop running like a chicken let out of his cage." She hissed.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on mother we need to get our luggage I want to get far away from here as I can." I said then shuddered.

Once we got our luggage we waited outside for what , I have no idea.

"Mom" I whined. "What are we waiting for its so hot I think I'm sweating through my hoodie"

I said then lifted my arm and sure enough there was a sweat stain under my arm.


She rolled her eyes "Your dad is sending someone "

"I wouldn't be surprised if that didn't show up ether" I mumbled.

"Ms. Davis" a man in his maybe 60's a suit and a cap said. Man isn't he hot? "Yes" my mother said.

"I'm your driver" "thank god" I yelled and hugged him I felt him stiffen under me but I was way to happy to care.

"Where is the car dude , come on I'm gonna melt. " I said Flailing my arms like a crazy person.

I saw my mom shake her head in a disproving manner.

"right this way" he said and walked over to a jet black limo.

"A limo." I shrieked and my mouth gapped open.

I probably looked like an idiot standing there staring but I mean seriously, a limo to pick us up from the airport.

"Um are you sure your picking up the right people..." I said frowning.

"Nicole sweet heart you coming" she said patting the seat next to her. I swiftly got in.

It was like I was floating in space there had blue and white dots of lights on the ceiling, little lights on the side of the limo .

It was great, considering I have never been in a limo before, sad I know.


"Nicole wake up ,we're here." I felt her poking me in my head and swatted her hand away.

"I up" I mumbled. "Look" she said pointing out the window. "Wow" I managed to say through my trance. I was flabbergasted.

God what was he a millionaire , first limos now huge houses, wait scratch that mansions.

It was beautiful, Absolutely breath taking ill admit it even had a fountain in the middle of the drive way and around the fountain green hedges.

When I got out the driver handed me my luggage. "Come on mom" I said as I made my way to the front door. "No I don't-" "um nope if I have to meet the fag aka dad you do to" she sighed and mumbled something and started walking to the front porch with me.

We were about to knock when the door swung open and a beautiful lady walked out, she was maybe 5'7 was slim but had curves and had beautiful black wavy hair.

She was wearing a tight red dress and on any one else it would have looked slutty but on her it looked Sophisticated something I never look like.

I wonder who she is.

"Oh hello you must me Chole"

My mom just nodded admiring her beauty also.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" she said holding out a hand to my mom which she took.

"I'm Marissa, Asher's wife."

"So your the tramp he ran off with" I thought.

To bad she's absolutely Gorgeous.

"And you must be Nicole"

"Noo" I said in a duh tone

"I'm Ronald mc Donald"

She looked taken back at my attitude and my mom just rolled her eyes.

"Excuse her" she said politely.

"Well can I come in if you haven't noticed its really hot outside and I'm wearing a hoodie." I said in a annoyed tone. I know I'm being a complete bitch but I don't want to be here and I definitely,

don't want to befriend the woman the man who broke my moms heart ran off with.

"Um yea, oh how rude of me come in please" she said and stepping back to let us in.

Inside was just as beautiful as the outside it had a classical look ,wood, fire place, even a Chandelier.

I snorted at that. Marissa looked at me with a confused expression. "Oh I just thought chandeliers where just in movies and-" shut up . "Never mind"

"Yes so um Asher is at work and won't be here till a little later."

I scoffed "So he's not even here when I arrive, his daughter who he hasn't seen in like what 16 years"

"He really wanted to but-" I cut her off "sure he did"

My mom gave me a look saying "enough", I rolled my eyes and shook my head, this is really unbelievable.

"We'll I really have to go" mom said.

"Don't leave me" I begged I didn't care if marissa was standing right there.

"Don't leavvvveee meee" I faked sobbed dropping to the ground holding on to her leg.

"Hun let go of me" she said while shaking her leg. I groaned and got up.

"I'm sorry but I have to go I know this seems unfair but you'll understand later." She said then kissed me on my cheek hugged me and said good bye.

I can't believe she really left.

Gah I hate my life right now.


So she finally made it to California yay lol

Picture of the house on the side

And one of my fav song

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