Chapter 40

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Nicole's Pov

I silently crawl behind a bush, trying my best to not be seen by him. I watch as he silently walk past smelling the air as he goes. He stops and looks around, ears are back in alert.

3.. 2... 1.

I let out a playful growl as I jump out the bushes playfully nipping him on his leg. Collin let out a playful growl of his arm bending down In a playful stance. I took that opportunity to run knowing he would love the chase.

I watched as the trees flew by us, taking in the feeling of the breeze against my fur. This was truly amazing.

I internally laugh as I let my wolf take control, "go!" I squeal to her making her laugh, 'we will let him catch us." She teased slowing down a bit. Collin caught up playfully nipping my hind leg, we sped up making him chase us a little longer. We ran until we got to the top of the hill where we turned around and bent down daring him to try and get us.

He slowed down stalking towards us a dangerous playful glint in his eyes. 'I see you are getting used to your wolf.' He teased, making me give him a wolfly grin. I let out another playful growl wagging my tail playfully.

He quickly wan towards me but I was able to dodge him with ease. 'Got to be faster than that.' I teased making him let out a frustrated but amused grunt.

He ran at me again this Time he grabbed my hind leg making me stop. 'Hey now that's cheating.' I laughed, I laid down in feat watching and listening to the animals in the woods. I felt Collin lye down next to me, his nose nuzzling my neck. 'Im glad your happy.' He said quietly making me look at him.

'I am happier than I ever was.' I replied, he chuckled, 'I know' 'I love you more than anything in the world Nicole you and our baby, I will always as long as I live.'

I let out a small smile, 'I love you too.'

We sat in silence, it was a peaceful one, just listening to our surroundings, watching the animals that scurried past. I was in peace at mind, everything was ok.

'Do you remember how to change?' Collin asked standing up. I nodded standing up following his league, 'we should start making our way back before the pack wakes up.' He said and started walking behind a tree. I watched as he pulled a bag from under a bush.

He changed quickly looking at me as he did. He nodded towards me saying it's my turn. I focused deeply, soon I felt the fiery sensation and the soft ground was replaced by itchy grass and dirt.

I quickly stood up brushing the dirt off my naked skin. My stomach was now a perfect round shape, it has grown since the turning, but I guess it's normal. Collin opened the bag handing me a big t-shirt which was probably his, and some of his shorts.

I quickly put them on and he did the same. He smiled at me walking over to me and planting a kiss on my forehead. "Let's go." He whispered grabbing my hand.

As we walked I heard the faintest sound, my wolf.

"What?" I asked, 'Amor' she said again, loud enough for me to hear, 'that's her name.' She whispered proudly.

"Amor." I repeated out loud, making Collin look at me, "Amor is our daughter name." I beamed.

Collin's face twisted into pure happiness. "Amor." He repeated making me smile.




So sorry for the shortest chapter ever but I wanted it to end like this, ah the next chapter will be the last... I know I know I can't believe it ether

I've had so so so much fun writing this book for you guys, I can't believe how far I've comes thank you soooo much.

Pic of Nicole's wolf on the side---->


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