Chapter 35

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Nicole's POV 

  Thoughts.. Questions... Answers.. What felt like a thousand things were running through my mind right now.  So many I felt as if I was getting an unbearable headache. What she had said just kept replaying in my head. 

"I'm going to be a mother?" I barely whispered, loud enough to hear but I know they did. I don't know what to feel, that wasn't a problem as if right now because I was completely numb. Should I be happy? Was I even ready to take on the responsibilities of being a parent?

But most of all... Did Collin even want a baby? Who am I kidding he all but said he didn't. That thought alone made me break down, before I felt myself hit the ground two strong arms wrapped around my growing stomach.

"Don't touch me!" I hissed at Collin struggling to get out his grip until he finally let me go. Backing away I watched as Collin face turned grey in sorrow. "Nicole-" "Don't just, just don't" I gasped, letting the tears run peacefully down my cheeks.

I always imaged this day.. I just never thought it would be as heart breaking as this. "Luna please hear us out-" "How long have you known?" My tone as sharp as a knife as I cut her off.

She was silent as she looked at Collin as if asking should she speak getting me even more riled up. "How long!" I hissed making her flinch a little and making me stop. "4 5 weeks.. the first day Collin brought you in with the stab wound."

I turned to Collin who's whole body was stiff. "And you knew. Didn't you." I said allowing my disappointment take over my tone. He didn't answer, instead let out a little nod. "Nicole Its not that I don't want the baby-" "Oh really Collin, because you made that ooh so fucking clear." I yelled not caring who heard.

"Nicole you are human!" He growled, "That thing inside of you will rip you apart before you give birth." He spat anger seeping into his tone.

I nodded, I understood clearly, "This thing," I whispered, "his thing is our baby." I cried, pushing past him leaving the office. My eyes were blurry as I ran up the stairs desperately wiping away the tears, not caring about the sobs that followed.

As I ran down the hallway I was stopped by a hand that grabbed my arm making me face them. "Nicole what's wrong." Emma asked worriedly. As much as I tried to hold myself together I couldn't, I was broken, and I didn't care who saw.

I allowed her to pull me into a empty room as she sat my on the bed hugging me tightly. "Nicole shh its ok please tell me what happened love." I shook my head, escaping from the hug and stood up.

"Nicole?" She asked again slowly making me scoff a little. "I'm pregnant ok?" I hissed not caring how she reacted. A look of terror filled her face, she gasped, "Oh Nicole-"

"And the worst part is Collin doesn't want it." I spat making her features soften. She shook her head. "No Nicole its not th-"

There was a sharp pain in my stomach making me hiss, it was followed by a warm sensation coming up my throat. I ran to the bathroom quickly opening the toilet and let out the gross liquid. Emma came to hold up my hair as I finished my process. "When it was over I pushed her off of me crawling into the corner small bathroom.

That's when I let everything out, I wasn't ready for this...

What's the point of being a mother when the love of my life didn't want a baby?


I hoped you enjoyed. 

Let me know what you think?

sorry for the short chapter but check out the video on the side if you like >>>>>

Love Ashley Bree

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