Chapter 37

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Nicole's POV

I don't think I've ever in my life time run so fast In my life. I sprinted down the hall way ignoring Collins call, all that was on my mind was Lexy. What if some rouges got in here while we weren't looking, what if she was hurt. Those exact thoughts made me run faster.
When I got to the door I didn't wait a second to bombard inside. And there she was, completely fine. I let a sigh of relief as I walked towards her and Arron.

She was cradled on the floor in the middle of sobbing, Arron looked confused and worried as he said soothing words in her ear. I crouched next to her softly putting my hand on her back, on contact she jumped a little looking up, "Nicole." She croaked, I gave her a small smile and she fell into my arms. "I thought he had killed you, I'm sorry I'm sorry." She repeated over and over again, "Look at me." I ordered grabbing her chin making her look me on the eyes.

"I'm here, with you, right now never accuse yourself for what happened, it wasn't your fault." I whispered assuringly but she shook her head, "But it was and now- and now she's not speaking to me." I scrunched up my face in confusion. "Who?" "My wolf." She cried, she was scared, not only for her wolf but herself.

"Arron take her to Kathy." Collin barked making me jump a little, I was so focused on Lexy I didn't realize he was here. Arron grabbed her around her waist and picked her up bridal style carrying her out of the room.

I stayed on the ground in complete shock, "What what does that mean." I asked Collin who gave me a sorry expression as if saying, "something that isn't good." He lifted me up from the floor and gave me a small smile, "When your wolf doesn't speak to you, it could mean it has went in isolation, which usually happens when you've been through trauma."

He paused, deep in thought about something, "That almost happened to me when I almost lost you, and it's extremely hard to regain your wolfs confidence in not only you but other people."
I nodded as he spoke, my stomach dropping a little, everything that was coming out of his mouth wasn't good.

"So what does that mean for Lexy." I breathed out, he sighed, "Your wolf is your other half, it IS you, without it your incomplete and not only that only our Wolf lets us change, our wolf is our Conscience with out were lost." He spoke seriously. "Not only that but our wolf tells us who our mate is without it you have a little feeling but not as strong as you do with your wolf."

I gasped, "So Lexy doesn't," she shook his head, poor Arron he had finally found his mate but his mate doesn't know it yet.

"Come on." He said walking towards the door, "Lets go find out what's going on." As we walked out the room I was quickly stopped but this pain in my stomach, I hissed, it felt as if some one kicked me in my ribs. "Nicole you ok?"

"Yea yea, it's nothing I'm just hungry." I lied not wanting him to worry, he's already stressed out enough. "Nicole-" "Let's go see Lexy ok?" I pleaded not wanting to discuss this but he gave a look as if saying we'll talk latter making me internally groan.

As we walked down the hallway I couldn't help but feel as if I was going into another chapter in my life, one that would change everything.


Hey guys please don't hurt me but I'm stopping here yes I know!!! Short chapter sucks but hey I'm updating as fast as I can plus this is just a filler.

But I pinky promise the next chapter will be sooooooo much longer.

I would love for you guys to read my other book My typical Love story, and my other story will be released when this one finishes Called the popularity games, go check out the preview when you get a chance.

Good news you guys, I think I possible will be making a Sequel to MY SEXY KIDNAPPER WOOOOO but hey don't get to to happy because I don't know for sure yet.

So yea, on a completely different note, tell me where my fans are from!! I haven't really got to know where my lovely fans are from and I would love to so... COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT AND VOTE VOTE VOTE.

Thanks my loves~ Ashley

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