Chapter 10

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Hiya, I would like to answer a question given to me in the comments

@KennySmiles18 I don't know how many chapters will be in my book because I don't plan it out it just comes to mind so yea lol

Now this is chapter 10 :D


"Stupid, stupid faggot" I mumbled as I threw the cover off my head.

I was beyond frustrated and you know why,

Three letters.

S. u. n

I don't have any damn blinds so the sun is shining on my face,

"Are you trying to get me pissed off" I said looking out my window at it.

"Ow ow ow" I mumbled, Looked at the sun to long.

I looked at the digital clock next to the bed 6:14.

"Really" I sighed and got out of bed.

I slipped on the shorts I had on yesterday since well I don't have any other clothes, but left collins shirt on.

What I like how it smells..... Sue me!!!

I slowly tip toed down the hall and made my way down stairs.

I was just about to sit down on the couch, when my stomach growled in protest.

I made my way to the huge kitchen and searched through the cabinets, then I found my pot of gold,

PANCAKE BATTER. I mentally cheered.

I got a bowl and poured the batter in there and me being me spilling most of it on myself.

"Cool there's a tv in the kitchen" I cheered and turned it on to a music channel.

What can't cook without a little music.

"Oh baby baby oh baby baby" I heard from the tv and I smiled and sung alone shaken my but a little while I whisked the batter.

"Da da na na na da nanananana da na na na " I sang with the beat then did a little spin.

I got a frying pan and put it on the stove and started with my pancakes when yet another wonderful song came on.

I laughed and started singing along.


Well if they were sleep there up now.

I snickered and went on with my private show.

"I Knew that I wouldn't of"

I tried to flip my pancake like they did in the movies but it went up and never came down.

"The fuck" I said and looked up, and there on the ceiling was my pancake well half of it the gooey side was what made it stick.

I shrugged mine as well finish my show. I grabbed a broom and started singing again.

"I feel good!!"

"So good"

"Cause I got you"

I said then did one of those sliding things on the floor.

"Ha I made it" I didn't think I would be able to actually slide.

I was so caught up in my own world I didn't realize standing in the kitchen was 4 very amused people.

It was a very funny sight,

Collin was chocking back a laugh, Emma didn't even try to hold it in, Dillon had his mouth hung open, and black haired one had his eye brow raised.

"We'll this is awkwarddddd" I drawled out and every one laughed I couldn't help but laugh also.

"Love why the fuck is there a pancake on the ceiling" he said looking at it.

"Oh that, haha you know pancake flip gone wrong"

Emma shook her head, "wow and I thought I couldn't cook" I scowled "hey I can cook"

Collin came over and pulled me up and ruffled my hair, "sure you can" I swatted his hand away.

"Can someone just finish what she started I'm hungry" blacky said.

"I second that" Dillon said.

"Collin" Emma said.

He rolled his eyes "fine ill finish it but just know every pancake I make the smaller my ego gets" he mumbled before walking over the stove.

We sat at the table, "now why is his ego being damaged" I asked

"Oh you see Collin over there thinks cooking is for women so even though he's really good at it he doesn't do it" Emma said then snickered.

I laughed when I heard Collin mumble, something about him turning into a faggot.

"Hurry up mom" Blacky teased.

He growled "shut up Arron you Faggot"

The table burst into a fit of laughs.

Hey maybe the stay here won't be that bad after all, they were surprisingly really cool.

Collin finally made finished his pancakes and gave it to us.

"Enjoy asshole" he told Arron personally as he sat down next to me, his arm brushed mine and I froze a little not ignoring the tingly sensation that passed through me but I shook it off.

I took a bite of my pancakes and moaned as the flavor erupted in my mouth.

"My god man this is heaven on a plate" I shrieked then stuffed my face with them.

I finished in 30 seconds tops.

I looked up to see why it was so quiet and realized they were all staring at me in shock.

"Wha" I muffled pancake still in my mouth.

"Damn women I have never seen a person so little eat so fast" Arron gawked.

I smirked "we'll you just met one"

"Alright!!! Come on, me and you are going shopping since the only clothes you have are my brothers" Emma said standing up.

I groaned "do we really"

There is one thing I hate to do shop, it takes way to long. She rolled her eyes,

"Would you rather look like that" she said pointing to me.

"Touché " I nodded.

"Alright Collin credit card" she said.

"What why not Arron's" he whined.

"Nope dude I'm broke"

"Yea right" Dillon said.

Collin groaned and reluctantly gave Emma the card.

"Wait I'm coming to make sure she's safe"

I scoffed "I'm a big girl I can handle myself."

He rolled his eyes. "I know that love just I don't want boys looking at you" I rolled my eyes.

"Bye Collin" Emma said then pulled me out the door.

"Shopping herreeee wee come" she said excitedly.


Note the sarcasm.


Ok guys how was it, I know I don't think it was my best work but I hope it was ok.

Ok pic of Dillon on the side

~~ Ashley

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