Chapter 41

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"29... 30." I finished and opened my eyes, I ran for the bedroom door walking cautiously out of it. "Ready or not here I come." I whispered, a evil smile on my face.

I already knew where Dillon would be hiding, he thought it was sooo clever to hide under Arron and Lexys bed. I laughed as I opened the door.

"Alright Dillon come-" I paused, heat flooding to my cheeks, I quickly covered my eyes, "Damit you two, couldn't you have like put a sign saying don't come in or something." I squealed. I heard Lexys nervous giggle,

"I'm so sorry Nicole." She squeaked, I took a glance at Arron who was smirking confidently, fuck tard.

I swiftly ran out the room making sure to shut the door behind me. I was really starting to take a disliking to this game.

As I was about to go left through the hallway I caught a scent of Dillion's over priced cologne that he insisted make him smell like a manly man. I rolled my eyes at the thought making my way to the hallway closet.

I snickered then slowly opened the door. I looked over the clothes in there and frowned, I could of sworn- just then a hand reached out of a sleeve of a jacket and grabbed my hand making me scream and in response close the door quickly.

I knew something was off about that closet, but no Collin said I watched to many scary movies, well those scary movies saved my life.

I paused when a heard a chuckle come from the other side of the door. I quickly opened the door revealing Dillon, I let out a low growl, making him laugh harder.

He thought he was so smart, he was currently hanging in a jacket on the rack... How the hanger was strong enough to hold him, the world may never know. Just as I thought, the hanger cracked making Dillon drop like a sack of potatoes on the floor.

He had the most bewildered expression on his face making me laugh. "Oh oh my god your face." I gasped out between laughs. He stood up slowly shrugging the jacket off. "Yea well your face was funnier." He retorted making my smile disappear, how dare he, he knew my fear of this closet.

I smacked him up side the head making him wince. "That's for-" I stopped and listened closely, I heard someone giggling in Collin's office and I know just who.

I quickly turned around running towards Collins office. I quickly opened the door, "Ah ha-" I paused Collin was currently sitting at his desk giving me a confused, yet amused expression, "Oh my you found me love." He laughed making me narrow my eyes.

"Where is she." I said accusing him of hiding her. "Who?" He asked innocently. "Oh nope no no don't do that." I said pointing my finger at him. "I don't know what your-" the door creaked open and I looked just in time to watch a petty retreating figure running out the door.

I gave Collin a blank look, "Ill deal with you later mr." He threw his hands up in surrender and I quickly ran out the room following a running figure. I grabbed her by her waist picking her up in the air.

She giggled furiously making a smile light up my face. "See mommie you caught me." Amor squealed making me laugh, "I sure did little one." I laughed tickling her little belly making her laugh nonstop.

She had one of those contagious laughs, the ones where you can't help but laugh when you hear it, her smile lights up a room by itself, and her baby blue eyes, can capture anyone's attention, and keep a hold of it.

"I knew I should of hid in Uncle Arron's room but he was wrestling with Auntie Lexy." She pouted making me grimace, the image ahh it brain damaging.

I shook it off and let out a shudder of disgust placing her down gentle, "Yea mommie caught the, wrestling too." Amor let out a giggle grabbing my hand.

"Come on little one lets get you tucked in."

We walked to her room quickly once we got there she quickly got into her pink princess bed getting comfortable as I tucked her In.

"Which one will get to sleep with the royalty to night madam." I said in a fake British accent making her smile. "Mrs. Poppers." She beamed as I handed her the pink penguin.

"No bedtime story's tonight?" I asked but she shook her head. I let out a soft smile, leaning over and planting a soft kiss on her forehead,

"I love you more than the sins The Lord has forgiven mommie." She yawned closing her eyes softly.

"I love you more." I whispered making my way out the room closing he door softly behind me.

I walked to my bedroom, a smile that never seems to disappear on my face. Collin was sitting up in bed waiting for me I suppose.

A smile made its way onto his face when he saw me. I crawled into bed next to him snuggling next to him. "She's asleep." He whispered hands crawling through my hair. I nodded nuzzling his neck. He grabbed my hand playing with my wedding ring, I watched as he did so, "Beautiful" he whispered.

I nodded, "Very." He shook his head and looked at me, "no your beautiful." He said, moving peaces of hair off of my face. I smiled planting a soft kiss on his lips.

I laid my head on his chest, relaxing as he traced memorizing circles in my back.

And that's how I fell asleep, perfectly in his arms, where I knew I was safe, and I knew Amor will be too.


Pic of Amor on the side

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