Chapter 36

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Nicole Pov

I woke up in a soft bed, not knowing how I ended up here. What I remembered last was me laying on the floor in the bathroom. Emma must of brought me in here. I was happy and sad when I looked around to find I was alone. Maybe I went to far with Collin, maybe I should of heard him out.

My thoughts were stopped by a knock at the door. My heart skipped a beat, Collin? O god I must look a mess I thought, I cried for dear life last night no telling what I looked like. I ran to the bathroom that was thankfully in the room and quickly splashed my face with water. Didn't do much but enough to erase the tear stains.

"Come in." I croaked wincing at how hoarse my voice sounded, I was a little disappointed when Emma and Ben walked through the door but I kept it in giving the best fake smile I could muster up.

"Hey you ok?" Emma asked coming to sit next to me on the bed, I nodded my head and Ben let out a sigh of relief. "When Emma woke me up saying you passed out -"

"I passed out?" I asked them shocked, Emma gave a slight nod, "yea and Ben carried you here." She said smiling at him, I gave him a genuine smile, "Sorry." I mumbled embarrassed.

"No need for that, Collin was more worried than anything." I groaned, " You told him?" "Didn't get a chance to he came running up himself asking where you were." Emma answered and Ben nodded.

"How?" Ben laughed, "Your his mate your connection is strong, he sensed it." He stated.

My mouth formed an "O" shape. "Yea he stayed with you the whole night he told me to tell you when you, he was sorry he had to leave early for some pack duties." She said and gave me a small smile. I nodded, so he did stay with me. I smiled at the thought.

"What time will he-" I was cut off by the door slamming open and in coming a pissed Natalie who was followed by a confused Dillion. "So my best friend passes out and no one informs me." Natalie squeaked , face red arms flailing around let a mad women.

She rushed over to me not forgetting to glare and Emma and Ben in the process,

"Are you ok!" Natalie Cooed like I was a little girl who fell at the park and scraped her knee. "Yes Natalie I'm ok." "Good now Emma what the hell" She hissed and Emma laughed, "Look here Chihuahua-"

"What happened exactly." Dillion finally spoke amused at Emma and Natalie's arguing.
"I um.." Spit it out just as good as any other time to tell.

"I'm pregnant." I mumbled looking down. There was silence and I glanced up to see there reactions. Dillon had a look of shock and fear in his face while Natalie looked like she was on a plane to happiness and rainbows.

"OMG OMG OMG OMG my best friend is pregoss I'm going to be a aunt, let's think about names OOOO what about Candy or Sandy OOOO or Mandy. " I laughed at her rambling, I don't even think she knew she was rhyming,

"Well at least one persons happy for me." I retorted, she stopped and gave me a frown, "why wouldn't I be." Dillon shook his head, "you don't understand Nat." He sighed running a hand down his face. She pouted, "what-"

Collin came into the room a little shocked to find everyone had gathered in here. "Morning." He mumbled to everyone avoided eye contact with me making me roll my eyes.

"Guys can we?" I stopped knowing they knew what I wanted, "aw y'all are bunch of boobs." Natalie whined leaving, with Dillon right behind shaking his head with a small smile on his face, Emma followed behind and so did Ben, but not before he patted Collin on the back as in saying good luck.

Collin closed the door behind them and turned around still avoiding me eyes. We were both silent for a while before he broke it, "Look Nicole I'm sorry, it's just, I just got you back I'm not losing you again." He urged his eyes red a little was he crying?

That thought made my stomach drop a little, I quickly ran over to him wanting to in his arms, he wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck.

"I know," I mumbled, I looked up and pecked him on his soft lips, rubbing my hand along his jaw line loving the way his stubble tickled my palm. "But this is my decision." I whispered, his jaw stiffened as he nodded, "Isn't there another way." I asked and he nodded, "I would have to turn you-"

"Then do it." He shook his head I can't risk that, it's not sure you will survive the bite, and the baby may kill you before The bite does, werewolfs grow faster than your body can handle I -" "Collin." I gave him a stern look, "If it means keeping the baby alive then ill do it." He rubbed his hand down my cheek leaving the familiar warm sensation as his hand travels,

"Your a great Luna," He gave me a small smile and I closed my eyes waiting for those familiar soft lips to be in contact with mine but we were interrupted by an ear piercing scream. I quickly ran out the room.




Hey guys Ashley here, I just wanted to take a time to thank you all for the 1.6+ m reads! like Oh my god you guyyyssss I wanna give you all a cookie right now like thank you sooooo much.
Thanks for all the votes and comments I love reading those so VOTE VOTE VOTE COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT.

Oh and I wanted to say, yea it kinda has a twilight theme but it kinda has to because there's always going to be some problems when a human has a werewolf baby... But I want to say thanks again I love you all and keep reading.


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