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So, sorry for not updating in ages. I was really busy... actually, I really don't have an excuse except the fact that I'm REALLY LAZY! YAAAAY!!! So here's another random idea, when I'm meant to be writing a script for our drama performance in a few days. YAY PROCRASTINATION!! Also I'm running on like 5 hours sleep so sorry if it doesn't make much sense. :)

So again it's the nine girls from 'Souls' and they're all like walking home from school etc and they spot like these weird people who look exactly like one of their friends, eg. Becky might spot a girl who looks like Melody, and Elizabeth might spot a girl that looks like Melissa etc. So they blink and they're gone et cetera, et cetera, yada yada yada. Basically, they somehow end up talking to these people (as a group) and realise there's two of everyone, and that the weird people are them from another dimension that need their help, so they go to the other dimension and everyone is weird in some way. Like, some citizens might be witches, or can shoot lasers out of their eyes (hey, I'm making this up as I go along, okay?) and yeah, stuff happens and I guess some people die the others save the world, but once they get back they don't remember any of it, until one day someone's looking in a mirror doing there hair or something and the reflection moves. When they don't. Basically this is the only way the weird versions of them can communicate and yeah, maybe a lead on to a sequel or something? Idk, I make this up when I have a spare minute.

Anyway, hope that satisfies people who wanted me to update... Toe, I'm looking at you... and yeah, tell me if its a good idea, etc.

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