Two Brothers

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Spoiler Warning! I kind of have to say this is spoilers for supernatural, but it doesn't say anything outright...

'Tween Heaven and Hell
The earth they walk
I've a story to tell,
So sit, and I'll talk

For I am the Messenger
Christian and Norse
And I saw those men travel
Though not on a horse

They took their home with them
Never stayed in one place
Ran into an angel
Who soon lost his Grace

And though they killed
And stole and lied
They never stilled
Always saving those who cried

Two boys and their angel
Though now an angel not
For he was now faithful
To the one left to rot

Both brothers been through hell
High water too
Their story I tell
And tell it I do

The world was against them
But onwards they fought
All seeking redemption
But finding nought

Saved the world a few times
Still no recognition
Even with all their crimes
They were raised from perdition

And though they killed,
And stole and lied
No destiny fulfilled
But they always tried

They made mistakes
Some worse than others
They had all it takes

They were only Two Brothers


Okay, so I'm not entirely happy with the way this turned out but hey, life ain't perfect. I started writing this in my head in the shower and just couldn't make myself forget it.
Cookies to anyone who can figure out who the narrator is.
I'm not going to have wifi for the next couple of days because I'm going on holidays so yeah. My plan is to finally start on that zombie book I've been meaning to write for months now but that probably won't happen coz I'm lazy.

Have a wonderful holidays everyone
Bianca :)

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