Pirates :)

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So, as promised, I shall now explain the intricate inner workings of my thoughts... In other words; here's to the random shit that goes on in my brain. Cheers.

The notes from the last chapter had five points:
- take over ship
- pirate the pirates
- convicts
- jewel thief
- grandchildren
(I hope I got those right; I can't be bothered checking!)
Anyway, on with the story:

Title: Idk, but I think that Willpower would be fitting though, don't you?
Characters: The nine girls, because how could I resist making the friends sail around the world together, killing and stealing! What are friends for? :)
Plot: Some kids are playing around in a backyard of a house down by the beach - probably 2 boys and 3 girls - while their babysitter, an old woman, sits on the porch. The kids are pretending to be pirates, and are having a fierce sea battle, boys vs girls. After a while, they end up arguing about who won, the boys saying that they were stronger and the girls insisting that they have superior numbers. After a while they decide to ask the old woman on the porch (Melissa). So she tells them a story of nine girls - pirates that, though they were physically weaker and laking in numbers, were able to become the most feared and admired women to ever sail the seven seas. The story focusses on a young girl called Cleo, a thief from long ago whom, along with her eight best friends were arrested on the streets of London, and shipped off to a far away land called Australia, on the other side of the world. However, on the way there, the ship they were on was attacked by pirates! The girls were captured and forced to work as servants aboard the ship, Willpower. Eventually, the girls found themselves able to overtake the ship, from then on swearing their revenge on all pirates. They sailed around the oceans, protecting ships from pirates and stealing the pirates' loot before sailing off again into the vast waters of the Pacific and its neighbouring waters. As Melissa finishes her story, there is knock on the door. She introduces the children to her friend (who seems mysteriously similar to the fabled figure of Cleo) and turns to look out across the water, remembering those times when she was a young woman and thinks to herself, With a little bit of willpower, and a whole lot of friendship, theres nothing you can't do.

I have decided to try writing the first and last chapters of this story, because the ideas would not get out of my head so they will probably be up soon, maybe tomorrow?

Hope you liked it,
Bianca out.

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