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So this is something I've had stuck in my head for a while, regarding different fandoms, and is basically just one massive crossover story but with a few extra characters. It can use pretty much any book/movie/tv show, but these ones I think are my friends favourites.

Title: Idk
Characters: Usual nine girls, plus people from the fandoms
Plot: So something happens and the nine girls find themselves teleported into this big hallway with lots of doors leading off it. Some dude appears and tells them that the only way back is through the doors - but theres a catch. One person must stay behind each door so the others can get out. Once the last doorway's challenge has been completed, the other girls can leave the worlds they are in and rejoin each other. So they go through the first doorway and are transported to a new world. For this example, I'm going to use Becky's favourite series, Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus. The doors all have something to do with the world behind them, so the door to Camp Half Blood might be orange with a symbol of a Pegasus on it (like the camp shirts). The challenge through this door might be fighting in the war against Gaia. Then once they complete the challenge, all the girls leave except whoever's world it is, in this case Becky. So the book would probably end with them all meeting again after the last challenge, and going through this door back to the real world. Or (alternate ending, coz we can't have the book end on a happy note, can we?) after the other girls leave whichever world someone has stayed in, something happens and the one that stayed behind dies. Everyone dies except the person who faces the last challenge (probably would be Melody in this case). So when Melody finishes her challenge, she meets up with the other girls, who are miraculously alive again, but when they have to go through the last door, they can't - only Melody can. So she has to go through without them, and they go through a separate door to heaven, or whatever afterlife they believe in.

There we are, a nice sad ending for you all. What do you think?

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