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This chapter is dedicated to @Author_Bae for giving me this prompt. Thanks Matey! Sorry it took so long.
Fair warning, I've played with the prompt a bit so it's not really werewolves, and it's a very long plot explanation.

This idea was made up by me, but thinking back on it now I realise that I partially stole it from the book 'The School for Good and Evil" and the book series "Cherub". All translations are actually real (they're Italian, Hindi or Latin). Fun times, here we go...

Title: The Mito School for Exceptionally Gifted Children, or, Godhooli Bahanon (twilight sisters)
Characters: Bianco and Nero, Albus and Niger, Saphed and Kaalee (pick a pair - each of the names mean White and Black, respectively). The characters are identical twins. For the sake of the explanation, I'm using the last ones.
Plot: There is a school, high up in the Karakoram Mountains of Nepal, that teaches children to be monsters. Or so the legend goes. It was found long ago that children make better government agents than adults, and not just becomes no-one suspects them; in this world, when you are a child, you have the capacity for 'special talents'. Basically, everyone has something they're exceptionally good at. It might be science, running, fighting or charming people to give you whatever you need. The World Council takes advantage of these skills and employs children to go undercover in the world of crime. However, with every group of people, there are some that stand out, the cream of the crop, the best of the best. These are the ones with the 'crazy' skills, like changing their appearance, controlling fire, or in the case of the Bhediya twins, shape-shifting into extremely powerful wolf-human hybrids.
Upon arrival, kids are sorted into two groups; the Illuminarsi, the Light, and the Ottenebrare, the Dark. The Illuminarsi do the flashy work, making friends with the target's children, gathering the information and making the plans. The Ottenebrare do the dirty work, investigating deaths, cleaning up evidence and 'disposing' of the targets. Traveling between dorms is forbidden, and contact with the opposite group is strictly limited to group training and missions.
That should be fine for the two sisters, except they're identical, and no-one can tell which one's which. So when Saphed joins the ranks of the Light and Kaalee the Dark, all hell breaks loose.

You could do pretty much anywhere with this. Write about their adventures at the the Mito School, or maybe a mission they go on?

Anyway, hope this makes up for my absence. There might be a couple more ideas soon because I just had a shower and that seems to be the time for creative writing.

Ab me lie alavida
Goodbye for now

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