- Chapter 11 -

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[A/N: Sorry for late update!! I've been busy with school and such. This chapter isn't very good either but I know the next chappie that Ash will be writing will be great. But right now, enjoy!! - Rose xxx]

>>> HARRY POV <<<

Once I had gotten into my pyjamas after my shower, I ruffled my wet, curly hair in my towel. I left my bathroom, entering my room and sitting on my bed whilst grabbing my phone. I scrolled through my contacts before hovering my finger over her name. Ashleigh and Niall still weren't back yet and I couldn't help but feel jealous that she was having more fun with Niall than me.

Just as I was about to tap on Ashleigh's name, I heard a small knock at my door. Quickly, I pressed the home screen button and spoke, "Come in."

The door opened and Rose's face popped around the corner, a small smile plastered on her face. "Hey Hazz, can I talk to you for a sec?"

I offered her a smile before nodding and making room for her to sit on my bed, "Sure."

She quietly came and sat next to me, fiddling with the end of her pyjama shirt of her woolly sheep pyjamas. "Well, I know you know Louis a lot, right?"

I smirked at her nudging her, "Yeah and I know he likes you." A forced giggle left her mouth and she looked at the floor nervously. I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling confused. I tried to look at her face, asking, "Rose, what's wrong?"

She shrugged her shoulders before sighing and looking up, "I'm not ready for this, Harry." She looked at me, her blue eyes darker than usual.

I tilted my head; was she scared? Scared of Louis hurting her? Scared of the tough fandom we had? Scared of life?

I sat closer to her, pulling her into a hug. "Rose, I promise that no matter what happens. All of us will be here for you. And I can guarantee that Louis won't ever leave your side if you just give him a chance."

She nodded her head, forcing a smile at me, "Just give me time, Hazz."



"We're home!" My voice echoed through the house as Niall and I entered the living room. I smiled once I saw Zayn, Liam, Rose, Harry and Louis playing on the Xbox on the couch. Their eyes were focused on the TV screen, not taking any notice of mine and Niall's presence which I found quite amusing.

I grabbed Niall's arm, springing up and jumping right in front of the plasma screen. "It's okay guys!! Niall and Ashleigh have arrived!! No need to fear!!" I announced proudly, wrapping my arm around Niall.

"Ashleigh, move!" Liam whined, trying to look past me.

I giggled before looking over at Harry who had his arms folded and a slightly annoyed look on his face. I tilted my head, watching him sigh before standing up and walking out.

With furrowed eyebrows, I followed him out of the room, shouting, "Harry! Where are you going?!" I jogged up to him, grabbing his wrist and pulling him to a stop before he could walk up the stairs, "Harry, wait!"

His back was still turned to me and I noticed him clenching and unclenching his fists, taking in deep breaths.

He turned his head to talk to me but not fully facing me, "What am I to you, Ashleigh?" Finally, he turned around to look into my eyes. Anger struck his face and it almost frightened me. "Am I just some game to you?"

I shook my head, "What are you talking about?"

"You think you can just lead me on and then run away?" His voice rose every minute in his speech, "I'm not gonna let you make a fool out of me. I'm not going to sit around forever, waiting for you and watching you throw yourself on someone else. I'm not a toy, Ashleigh. I'm done."

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