- Chapter 4 -

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So here's chpater 4 I hope you enjoy!! I don't really have anything else to say except its a bit cutesy so yeah... have fun lovelies!!

~Ash xxx

Chapter 4

Ashleigh’s P.O.V

We finally got to meet the boys! I was so excited I mean they have been on my bedroom walls since I knew about them! I was so nervous but I held a strong front and tried to hide my nerves. Rose was kind of struggling with trying to hide her nerves she was all over the place. The boys gave us welcoming hugs. When it came to Harry though I was fidgeting a bit. I don’t know he’s always been my favourite but why am I feeling like my stomach could explode and a bunch of rhinos would come storming out of it. He wrapped me in his arms and we greeted each other. Our hug felt like it was going forever.

“You’re really beautiful.” He whispered in my ear, it caused me to blush like crazy. But it wasn’t like your usually blushing like my whole face turned red. I didn’t really know how to reply so I just mumbled a thank you as we let go of our embrace. Still like a tomato I look at Rose hugging Louis. Their hug it was different, it wasn’t a hug that a friend would give it looked more... intimate maybe? All I know is I’ve never seen Rose hug someone like that it was new.

I was now playing a wrestling game with Harry. These games are what I’m best at because I just press random buttons and I always seem to win. But Harry and I kept shoving and pushing each other and mucking around with each other’s controllers. I had him in a pin but Harry pushed buttons on my controller causing me to let go of the pin I said a few colourful words as I do when I’m pissed he then had me in a pin and tried to stop him by pressing the buttons to escape. I was doing great I only had to press a few more buttons to escape his pin hold but guess what happened, Harry pushed the remote out of my hand and it slid across the floor. I did a leap for it but it was too late he won.

“YOU FREAKING CHEATED!” I yelled and pounced on him. We started play fighting but I felt everything had gone silent. So I stopped and stood up. Everyone was looking at us. Harry stood up next to me. I pushed him to the floor looked at him then looked at everyone else.

“I’m going to get food.” I announced and walked out of the room trying to find the kitchen. Using my amazing fridge sense I found it in no time. I opened up the fridge and my mouth dropped at the amount of food they had. I have been receiving a lot of surprises lately. My stomach had suddenly grumbled so I took some food. I took a plate of brownies, a big m, and strawberries. I then look in the cupboards and whip out some Pringles and cookies. I juggle them in my hands careful not to drop any of the objects. I make it to the living room and start eating everyone has stopped laughing and started looking at me except Rose this is normal if I haven’t eaten in hours and I didn’t eat anything on the flight so I think I’m entitled to have a whole lot of food. Liam goes to take a brownie he takes it off the plate and takes a bite out of it.

“Oh no.” Rose gasped.

“What?” Zayn asked.

“You don’t take food from her when she is hungry.”

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