- Chapter 9 -

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[A/N: Hiiiiiii!!! Sorry this took so long!! I hope you like it!! Enjoy!! - Rose]


I threw another crisp into my mouth as we all sat down on the leather couch, the TV displaying some random show that no one was even watching. Everyone was too caught up in yesterday's events.

The room was silent and all that could be heard was the TV and the pitter-patter of drops on the roof as rain fell from the sky outside.

I looked at everyone carefully. Zayn fiddled with the remote, boredom striking his face as he stared at the ceiling. Niall was too busy stuffing his face with chips to even notice the heaviness of the rain. Liam's eyebrows were furrowed, his fingers playing with his mouth as if he were in deep thought. Ashleigh had her back leaned on the sofa, staring at the ceiling; probably thinking about the haters.

I tapped my foot impatiently; Harry and Louis had gone out to get something for us to do while the rain stopped us from having fun. They promised they'd be back soon but it's been twenty minutes already.

Which brings me to another thought; Louis. The sound of his name gave me tingles inside and he completely controlled my brain last night. I couldn't sleep at all. We'd been much more close since he kissed me but I wasn't sure if we were a couple yet. It was things like these that got me confused.

I heard the sound of the front door unlocking and a familiar, husky voice echoed through the house, "WE BRING MOVIES!!!!"

A giggle left my lips as I stood up, strolling over to the kitchen in order to serve myself a cup of whatever I felt like drinking. I took out a glass before opening the examining the fridge, hoping I'd find something interesting.

My eyes landed on something that satisfied my craving and I shot my head up, shouting, "WHO'S IS THE ICE TEA?!"

A sigh fell from Ashleigh's mouth, "That's mine. You can have it if you want, I really don't care."

I tilted my head, shooting her a knowing look even though I knew she wasn't looking. I playfully rolled my eyes, seizing the cold bottle and placing it on the kitchen bench. I opened the lid, pouring the contents of the peach Ice Tea into the glass, my mouth growing dry from the sight of the delicious liquid.

I brought the cup to my mouth, the refreshing sensation cooling my throat. I slogged the rest of the drink down in a rush before wiping my mouth.

"I'm hungry!!!!" Niall whined, reminding me of an infant who wasn't allowed a toy at the shops.

I giggled, "But Niall, you've already eaten a bowl of chips!!"

He shrugged, pouting and displaying a set of puppy dog eyes which looked extremely cute with his big blue ones. "I'm still hungry."

I pursed my lips, scrunching up nose and giving him a playful stare. Louis shot up from his position on the couch, "I have an idea!!! Lets spontaneously come up with our own special food!!"

I scoffed, leaning my hands on the bench, "I think we'd all die if we did that, Tommo."

Louis scurried over to the kitchen, rushing around the bench before raiding the cupboards. He got out bowls, flour, vegetables, sugar and any other interesting ingredients.

My face showed off my concern as I exclaimed, "Exactly what are you making, Lou?!"

Louis just chuckled and winked at me. "Not even I know. Come on, it'll be fun! What do you say guys?" He gave all the boys an expectant look, almost desperate for fun. I guess that's Louis for you.

Niall jumped up from the couch, "I'm in and so is Zayn!" He pulled Zayn of the couch as they made their way over to kitchen.

"What about you guys? Please Ash!" I begged, I really wanted her to have some fun and get her mind off all those rotten and jealous people. They weren't doing any good for her.

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