Chapter 3- So much drama, so little time.

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~ Yellow ! Sorry It took my so long to update, but here it is :)

As Barret and I left Lakeview Farm behind, we raced each other to head to the meeting spot. The meeting spot was on the edge of town, which over looked the Georgia Bay River. It was a cliff, but the still the hot make out spot for couples, it was cool when the moon was setting but still. Barret and I morphed back into our normal selves.

“Dude, where are they?” I asked impatiently.

John, Xavier, Jamal and Red came out from the shadows.

John cleared his throat then Red said, “okay, we must discuss everything.”

“Wait, first, I have to let you guys know something,” I mumbled.

“Derek, it can wait,” John said.

“Actually John, its important,” Barret growled.

“Whatever, just spit it the fuck out already,” John yelled clearly annoyed.

I told everyone what I told Barret.

“So you didn’t tell anyone else but Barret?’ Xavier asked.

“No I didn’t, only us know and my friend Jacob. He won’t tell anybody,” I replied hoarsely.

“Tomorrow me and Red will check it out, so make sure your ‘friend’ doesn’t repeat it to anyone,” John said.

I took a deep breath and was going to make a smart ass comment when Barret said, “you know what, this is bullshit.”

We all looked at him as John asked, “what did you just say?”

“Did I stutter, this is fucking bullshit. I’m done, go screw yourself John,” Barret said and ran off.

I probably looked like an idiot with my mouth wide open but its all good. “good luck to him,” John whispered.

I glared at John when Red said, “John maybe we should check into what Derek saw today.”

“What do you think pack?” John asked.

Xavier, Jamal and me mumbled a quiet ‘we should’.

“Well since we are short one wolf, Derek go check on Barret. Your off duty for the night.”

“Whatever,” I mumbled and chased after Barret.


“Barret, wait up!” I yelled out of breath. I’ve been chasing Barret around in circles and still didn’t know where we were.

“Derek, go back right now.”

“Listen, running off like that isn’t going to prove anything to John. I was sent after you for your information.”

“What else was I suppose to do? What you saw could’ve been something really serious,” Barret coughed sitting down on a rock.

“I don’t know but anything other then that would’ve been more affective. We don’t know that Barret, the packs checking into it as we speak.”

“Maybe we should do it, start our own pack. Except maybe do it a little bit different.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked.

“Maybe we could get other creatures.”

“Barret are you seriously thinking clearly?”

“Think about it Derek, really think about it,” Barret said.

So I did, I sat down and just thought about it. Okay so what are the possibilities? I wouldn’t have to listen to John, not that I do anyway. I’d have to deal with people, but not just any people, warlocks, fairies and the worst of the worst vampires. Throw in a few demons and I’d be good, sarcasm. “okay we’ll do it.”

“Really?” Barret asked bewildered.

“But your recruiting them.”

“Of course you’d leave me stuck with that but I probably should do that. Come see me on Saturday, I’ll have it done. Bye,” Barret laughed and ran off.

I sighed and took a deep breath. I could tell I was a mile away from Lakeview Farm, of course it had to be a meadow. I decided that I should probably get home, I was tired.


“You rebel,” Jacob laughed after I told him what happened.

“It can’t be that bad Jake, plus me and Barret would be in charge, kicking some ass.”

“Let me meet that vampire though, if ya get my drift.”

“Man I think I just threw up a little,” I said disgusted. Unlike me, Jacob was a babe magnet, I stood in to girls and well he stood out.

Jacob got up from the computer chair and made his way to the cot beside my bed. “Man I’m tired goodnight.”

I laughed quietly and turned out the light. It being about 2 am, I wasn’t tired, or I was overtired. I couldn’t get Sierra out of my mind. I just imagined myself holding her body next to mine, feeling her soft hands entwined with mine, it almost felt real. It would be soon if I had anything to say about it. I took a deep breath and pictured her smile. Peacefully falling asleep.

~ Hope you all enjoyed it! I'll write more next time !! Love you guys xxx


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