Chapter 7- A whole new ballgame

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Wassup? So here's Chapter 7, I have to make my chapters longer, but I like cliffhangers ;)  Thanks for reading ! :)

POV Derek

“Aunt Kimmy?” I screamed while getting up. What in the hell happened? Couldn’t I catch a decent break every once in a while, another scream turned out to be a no. I bolted from my bed to the kitchen, all I saw was a pool of blood and my Aunt Kimmy on the floor. She looked lifeless, she was breathing heavily and losing blood fast. “Aunt Kimmy, what the hell happened?”

She couldn’t reply, I knelt beside her. I pulled out her cell phone and dialled 911. I told them everything and in minutes, paramedics showed up. I was told to find somewhere to stay for the night and they would get back to me.

What miserable bastards! I dialled Barrets phone and he picked up on the first ring, “hello?”

“Come to my house now, my Aunt Kimmy is at the hospital. I’ll explain when you get here,” I said and hung up.

I cleaned up all the blood and began to pace, 5 short minutes later, Barret was in front of me. “Dude, I was working on our pack idea, but what happened?”

“I honestly don’t know. I got home from school, she was mad at me then I went into my room maybe a hour later I heard screams. She was on the floor nearly bleeding to death. There was no knife, its as if the attacker just disappeared.”

“So that narrows it done. The attacker isn’t human, do you think it could’ve been that thing in the woods the other day?”

“I didn’t sense it but that’s a theory. Fuck! I’m a werewolf and I couldn’t protect her,” I screamed out in frustration.

“Whatever magical creature it is, it’s watching you.”

“What makes you say that?”

“For starters, it caught you off guard. So it knew you were in your room and your Aunt Kimmy was unprotected. Its watching you, it has to be. Creatures do their homework before they attack and obviously this one isn’t any different,” Barret burped.

“That’s a good point, I don’t know what to do, Aunt Kimmy might not have seen it. Why would they attack her and leave me untouched?”

“Easy, because it wants to get to you. To it you may have done something, your Aunt Kimmy’s sweet. She wouldn’t get involved with all that garbage.”

“Well if it wants to get to me, it crossed a line. Mark my words, that bastard will pay…”

POV Sierra

A loud bang interrupted me from my homework. “Mom and dad?”


I walked to my bedroom door slowly, I could hear voices. My heart began to beat wildly, I took a deep breath and opened my door. “Hello?”

I turned around and nearly collided with my dad. “Sierra, your mom went to town. I broke one of her favourite vases’.”

“Dad, she’s going to kill you. I’ll help you fix it if you want,” I smiled and he nodded, “or we could throw it out. She won’t notice. How did you break it anyway?”

My dad went into the kitchen and I followed him. “I moved my laptop on the desk in her office and the vase went flying. I didn’t look where I placed it.”

“Daddy, must I teach you to look and think before you do things?”

“Your mother tells me that you had a migraine,” my dad looked at me suspiciously.

“Yeah, but I’m feeling a lot better. I just need a decent sleep tonight and tomorrow, I’ll be good to go,” I smiled and made a mental note, smiling at my dad smoothes things over.

“Good you wouldn’t want to be ill for that boy tomorrow.”

“You make it sound like a date.”

“I want to meet him Sierra,” my dad coughed and then added, “the hell with this vase. I’m going to go throw it in the barn. Your mother will never find it.”

I laughed as my dad went out through the backdoor, I went into my moms office upstairs to investigate. Where were those voices coming from? All of a sudden a cold breeze hit me, I looked at the window, it was closed. I turned around, the door was closed, so no air was seeping through.

I began to feel intense pain, I screamed out. My head felt as if it was being beaten with a hammer. No one was around, so I clearly knew I wasn’t. I felt paralysed, what was going on?

That happened to be my last thought before, I seeped into the darkness….

So as you guys' know, I introduced a new threat, in Chapter 2.. Well you guys have to hold onto everything that happened in the previous chapters, because everything is important. Even if it doesn't seem to be to you. Hope you enjoyed it :)





Chels <33

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