Chapter 6- The Aftermath

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Hello Everyone, well I need more reads! So feel free to tell everyone! Here's Chapter 6, I also am beginning to work on a new story, so if you want to check it out, go to my profile! Love you guys <3333 :)

POV Sierra

After mine and Derek’s kiss, we just cuddled but after I heard a noise, I told Derek that he had to leave. It was around 4 and my mom would be home soon, Derek rode my bike all the way up my driveway before waving a good-bye. I just went inside and straight into my room. Replaying on what exactly happened, I kissed Derek Trent. I told him my painful past, so where did this leave us?

“Sierra?” My mom called from the kitchen. I took a deep breath and went downstairs.

“Yes mom?”

“Where were you today?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, shaking. How did she find out?

“I went to your school at lunch, I planned to take you out for lunch. You were no where to be found. Where were you?”

“Mom, I was here. I didn’t feel well, so I came here and rested the whole day,” I mumbled.

“You should’ve called me Sierra and let me know. I nearly had a panic attack at your school.”

“Don’t worry mom, I’m feeling a lot better.”

“Sierra, I know moving is hard, but if something is going on I want you to tell me, okay?” My mom said looking at me. She began to unpack the groceries while adding, “so you didn’t make any friends I see.”

“I’m fine mom. Not depressed, fine. I just had a migraine, everything is fine now.”

“Does your father know?”

“Know what?”

“That you weren’t feeling good today,” my mom sighed.

“No, I didn’t think of calling you two. I forgot to call you when I got home, I’m sorry. But I have a little bit of homework from yesterday, so I should go start that.”

“Okay hun, just focus on school for now.”

“I will mom,” I muttered and walked away, I went straight to my room.

I paced around for a bit, before finally starting my untouched homework. Biting my lip while trying to concentrate, but my mind wandered to Derek Trent, was this bad or good? I really couldn’t tell…

POV Derek

As soon as I walked through the back door to my house, I knew something was wrong. I found my Aunt Kimmy seated at the dining room table, waiting for me. I took a deep breath and prepared for the worst. “Derek Trent! Where the hell have you been?”

“I was out running, observing stuff in the woods,” I lied quickly.

“I got a call from your principal, your way behind. You’ll need a tutor and you’ll be lucky to catch up, is that the reason why you missed school?”

“That thing from yesterday, scared me, so I decided to check it out.”

“Derek, I handled it. Don’t worry about it,” my Aunt Kimmy sighed and looked at me, “I don’t want you screwing up your schooling over a bear. Okay, I don’t want to be strict or seem unfair but next time, you will be grounded. Understand?”

“Yes, Aunt Kimmy and I’m sorry,” I mumbled and headed up to my room. I grabbed my phone off of my desk and dialled Jacob’s number.

“Hello?” Jacob murmured answering on the third ring.

“I kissed her man!”

“What, Sierra?” Jacob asked shocked.

“Yup, tomorrow is officially a date. I was with her all day and that’s why I didn’t go to school, getting in shit was so worth it!”

Jacob laughed, “so how was it?”

“On a scale from 1 to 10, absolutely 100. It was amazing, for a kiss, I sound pathetic.”

“That you do, anyway, so your going to have to meet her parents. Are you planning on asking her out?”

“I know that I have to meet her parents and probably not,” I admitted quietly.


“It’s a long story, but she probably wants to get to know me better, its one thing to kiss someone, but I don’t know.”

“A long story, what was she raped in her last relationship?” Jacob asked and laughed. After I didn’t reply he added, “oh shit! She doesn’t look like that type that someone would screw with. So I see now, sorry Derek.”

“She told me a long story, but I can’t give you the details. After that she kissed me, shocked I kissed her back. It was so unreal.”

“I’m happy for you man, but I should probably get back to work. I’ll stop by your house later.”

“That’s probably not a good idea.”


“Aunt Kimmy isn’t happy with me, so maybe tomorrow. Just pick me up tomorrow before school. I’ll see you then,” I mumbled and hung up. I jumped on my bed and was about to fall asleep when I woke up to a scream… What the hell happened?..

Cliffhanger ehh ? :) Well I'll upload soon, thanks for reading and being patient ! Love you <333





Chesnut :)

The Chronicles Of Derek TrentWhere stories live. Discover now