Chapter 10- The question..

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Sorry for it being such a late upload but anyways, here it is, I'm going to TRY to upload every weekend, so it will take me a while :P

POV Sierra

“I’ll see you at 6?” Derek murmured into my ear as people stared. I nodded and giggled with excitement. “Okay, well I have to go.”

“Bye,” I whispered as he kissed my forehead. I watched him walk with his friend Jacob as my moms car pulled up. “Hey mom.”

“Hi sweetie, does Thai food sound good for tonight?”

“Sure, he didn’t really get down to details on what he has planned, so that sounds good.”

“Okay,” my mom mumbled as she pulled out of the school grounds, “the house is all cleaned. I had the maid come in this morning, so you just have to get ready. Is it going to be fancy?”

“Mom, I really don’t know. I’m going to wear something nice and cute, I think. Oh and comfortable. As I said before I have no idea what he has planned, so it should be casual, please don’t embarrass me mom.”

“So this boy likes you and you like him?”

“Yes, so please do not scare him away mom.”

“Oh its not me you have to worry about, its your father.”

“Okay mom, enough with that. We all know that its you that I should be worried about, just promise me that you won’t put him on the spot to much,” I begged.

“I won’t scare him away, but he will be put on the spot, sweetie.”

I sighed as my mom stopped at the front of my street gates, sometimes this whole gated area, annoyed me. But I felt a sense of security from it to, it was weird. The guard let my mom through as I added, “I really like him mom. He’s nice, charming, good looking and actually cares about me.”

“I understand hun, I just don’t want you to get hurt again.”

I knew exactly what she was referring to, I felt like just screaming but I kept it in. Before I dated Craig, my parents were not protective so everything slipped, but ever since that break up she just went on over drive. So she would never make a mistake like that again. Which totally sucked for me.. “I’m not going to get hurt mom. I know exactly what I am doing, I am 16 after all.”

“Sierra, let’s just worry about it later, okay?”

“Fine,” I mumbled as my mom turned into our driveway. I just was trying to figure out what I should wear when the nerves hit. Almost like lightning, it didn’t go by quick just before my eyes. My mom parked the car and I got out. I went straight into my bedroom without saying a word. I went into my closet and tried to find something that I could wear. I decided to go with a black pencil skirt with my purple sparkly tank top. I pinned my hair up, (something I never did often) and headed to do my makeup.

“Sierra, can I come in?” My dad asked.

“Sure,” I said while finishing putting on eyeliner.

“I wanted to talk to you.”

“Okay, what about Dad?” I asked facing him.

“Dinner is only going to take a hour, so by 7, you kids are free but I want you back here by 12, understand?”

“Okay daddy, thank you.”

“Another thing, be safe.”

“Dad!” I exclaimed and then added, “I have to get ready so leave.”

He started laughing and left. While I finished my makeup, I just began to feel really worried, mostly about time…

POV Derek

Walking up to Sierra’s front door was the most nerve racking thing, I have ever done in my life. Thanks to my Aunt Kimmy, I had a bouquet of roses for Sierra and a box of chocolate for her parents. I was probably trying way to hard but oh well. I knocked on the door and smiled as I set eyes on Sierra, “these are for you.”

She looked shocked and replied, “thank you. Umm, come on in.”

She set down the flowers and chocolate on a table in the foyer while pulling me into the dining room. Her parents were there smiling at me as I sat down beside Sierra. “Hi Derek, nice to meet you,” her mom chirped.


“Krystal and this is Mark,” Krystal said while getting up, “well dinner is ready so we should get cracking.

“So Derek, do you play any sports?” Mark asked.

“I like hockey, basketball and baseball.”

“Oh, Sierra happens to love all those sports, some day soon, you should go see a actual baseball game in Toronto, its awesome.”

“I’d like that a lot,” I smiled.

“Mark! I need your help!” Krystal called. Mark got up and left quietly.

“Am I doing okay?”

Sierra giggled, “yes, your doing fine. Trust me, just play it cool for the time being, then the fun will begin.”

I laughed as her parents came in with the food. Her parents asked me more questions as dinner dragged on, we all ate, laughed and had a good time. But I couldn’t wait until after dinner, when the ‘fun’ would begin.


“It was nice meeting you Derek, come again soon. Oh and watch over Sierra, no trouble you two,” Krystal yelled as we drove off on Sierra’s bike.

Sierra laughed the entire ride as we stopped at the cliff overlooking the Georgia Bay River, it was a total romantic spot and I wanted a chance to talk to Sierra. “That was so much fun!”

I grabbed Sierra’s hand and led her towards the edge of the cliff where I had Barret set up a romantic, candle lit area. We sat down and cuddled. “It was.”

“Derek, this is totally sweet, the most fun I’ve had in a while.”

“Me to, don’t you worry.”

“I really am beginning to like you Derek, a lot.”

“You honestly have no idea how much that means to me, so much that I want to give you something.”

Sierra sat up and looked at my shocked, “this belonged to someone dear to me but I want you to have it.”

I placed it into her hands as she gasped, “it’s beautiful!”

“It was my mothers, but I want you to have it and be my girlfriend.”

“Derek, I couldn’t possibly take something that means so much to you.”

I tied it around Sierra’s neck and asked, “so will you be my girlfriend?”

Thanks for reading ! Hope you enjoyed it ! <333





Chels <333

The Chronicles Of Derek TrentWhere stories live. Discover now