Chapter 13- Awkward..

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Hey everyone, for you Canadians, Happy Thanksgiving ! :) Anyway, here's another chapter !  Thanks for taking the time to read ! <333333333333






POV Derek

I woke up to the smell of my Aunt Kimmy’s apple pancakes. The smell awoke me out of my deep slumber, I rolled over and faced my end table. Last night replayed in my mind, had I heard Quinn right? Was this really happening? Even though I was in a relationship, I understood the whole soul mate thing.

For humans soul mate is a person who is meant for one person. For werewolves we call them mates, vampires I guess call them soul mates. I was making myself sick worrying, I didn’t have those feelings or attractions to Quinn. I just got Sierra! This was just my luck.

Maybe food would help me. I got up and went to the kitchen. My Aunt Kimmy was in the dining room, a huge plate of apple pancakes were in front of her. I sat down on the chair beside her and took 5 pancakes to start off, “you came home late Derek.”

“Sorry, Barret needed my help with his truck.” I took my first bite on my pancakes.

“I think next time you should call me, I was worried. Anyway, what do you have planned for today?”

“Well Aunt Kimmy, I have to tell you something first.”

“Okay spit it out please,” Aunt Kimmy teased.

“I have a girlfriend.”

Aunt Kimmy gasped, “I want to meet her!”

“You will, she really is so sweet.”

“Invite her for dinner tonight!”

“I will, I promise,” I smiled.

“Good, I’ll make something special, but I have to go to the doctor, so enjoy your breakfast,” Aunt Kimmy chirped. She kissed my forehead and went to get ready.

I whipped out my phone and called Barret, “Derek, I need your help now.”

“Okay? I was going to just run over. I have so much news Bear!”

“Just hurry the hell up!” Barret growled and hung up.

That’s when my heart sunk a little, what did he do?

I immediately got up and just ran, it took me only 5 minutes to get to Barrets house. I opened Barrets front door slowly, Barret was pacing, “Barret, what’s up?”

“That!” Barret pointed to the couch.

I walked over slowly and saw a girl face up, pale skin, brown curly hair, but then I really looked. It was Sierra…

“Why is Sierra here?”

“Huh? Sierra..”

“She’s a girl I know,” I stalled and then added, “why is she here?”

“I think I killed her.”

My stress level just went sky high. “How did you manage that?”

“I was running, she was on a horse, I slowed down but she stopped, so the horse saw me it began to freak but she tried to go around me or something then hit a branch and hit the ground, hard.”

“So you brought her here?” Barret nodded and I added, “you moron, her parents are probably worried sick. We have to take her to a hospital or to her house.”

“You know where she lives?”

“Yes, now I’ll hold her while we both run her to her house.”

Barret nodded, I could tell he was scared. He actually almost killed my girlfriend, whatta kid. I picked up Sierra slowly, she didn’t stir at all. She was breathing, I could feel her heart beat. She looked like a goddess even in her sleep, I was totally falling for this girl.

I gave Barret the directions to Sierra’s house and we both ran together. Sierra weighed like nothing but the entire run, I realised one day soon, I’d have to tell Sierra. My Sierra had to know the truth, I was scared that she’d be upset. Would she look at me differently?

As we arrived in Sierras back fields, I noticed that she was close to being conscious. Which worried me, “hurry up Bear.”

We then bolted to Sierras back patio which connected to her mothers studio. Which as I guessed was on the second floor. The same floor as Sierra’s bedroom, we opened the patio doors slowly, I heard voices across the hall, so we bolted to Sierras room. It looked as if her parents searched through it. I laid Sierra out on her bed, she looked comfortable, but I heard footsteps. We bolted under her bed.

“Honey, look don’t blame yourself,” Sierras dad said comforting her mom I was guessing.

“I told her I didn’t want her dating someone so quick. She went into some depression and just,” her mom paused, “dear lord, there she is!”

They both immediately left to call the doctor, me and Barret made a quick exit. “That was a close call,” Barret sighed relieved.

“Tell me about it.”

“I never got to hear your opinion about the new gang, what do you think of them?” Barret asked as we made our way back.

“They all seem cool, I have a quick question how old is Quinn?”

“Dere, does age really matter?”

“To me yes.”

“Almost 500 I think, I wasn’t really paying attention but whatever, why?”

“I overheard her and Kevin talking well she thinks I’m her soul mate.”

The look on Barrets face was priceless. I burst out laughing as he said, “so?”

“I don’t think I’m attracted to her like that. Plus I’m a complete different species then her.”

“Whatever Derek, I got to head home, peace.”

I began to head home when I felt something. Something was brewing, I didn’t like this feeling, I didn’t like this feeling at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2011 ⏰

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