Chapter 9- A Close Call

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Hey, whats up? :P Okay so here's Chapter 9, enjoy ! :)

POV Sierra

As me and Derek said goodbye, my mom came home. Perfect timing, my family had. My mom got out of her car giving me a look the entire time as Derek left. Great I knew I would be in trouble now. “Sierra, who was that?”

“My friend, he just wanted to drop off homework that I missed today,” I lied quietly.

“Oh well he should’ve introduced himself.” My mom shrugged and went into the house. I took a deep breath of relief and went in behind her, “did dad know that he was here?”

“Daddy went upstairs to work on stuff, my friend just dropped off my books and had to leave. So no.”

“Sierra, no boys in the house, understand?”

“Yes mom, I know this rule. Nothing happened, I swear, he was here for 5 minutes, if that,” I sighed feeling irritated, “I’m going to go to bed. I need my rest.”

“Okay Sierra. I’ll see you in the morning,” my mom kissed me on the forehead and headed for the kitchen.

I went upstairs to my room and laid on my bed. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


I was in a field with Derek, it had the greenest grass, the bluest sky and the sun was shining! I was in his arms, he was playing with my hair that sent shivers down my spine. My very first dream of Derek Trent.

“Derek, I’m beginning to fall in love with you,” I murmured against his lips.

It was a total blissful moment, until the sky turned grey, the grass turned yellow and Derek threw me off of him. I screamed out in pain, Derek looked at me with disgust.

“How could I love a piece of trash like you?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your just a piece of shit!” He spat.

I began to sob, feeling the memory.

Derek looked at me, I stood up and stared back.

He morphed into this werewolf, he had a black coat and his radiant blue eyes still shone. They poured into my heart, but he began to chase me. I ran as fast as I could but he still managed to attack me. I screamed in terror while waiting for death to come…


I woke up, sweating and it was time for me to get up. I took a quick shower and got ready for school. Choosing something very comfortable to wear, but I still managed to look cute, I went downstairs. “Good morning Sierra.”

“Good morning mom,” I chirped while grabbing my toast off of the counter.

“It’s Friday!” My mom exclaimed, “is tonight when I’ll meet your friend?”

“I think so,” I chocked on my piece of toast.

“Here drink some milk.” My mom handed me a glass of milk, “invite him for dinner, then you two can go see a movie.”

“I’ll ring that by him, I told him that he could plan on what we were doing.”

“I want to meet this boy Sierra, end of story.”

I smiled at my mom, my mom got what she wanted. I was just praying that she would like Derek, who knew what would happen if she didn’t….

POV Derek

I got up with a grunt as Jacob jumped on me, “dude, we are late. Get up!”

I sighed and sat up, “I don’t want to go.”

“Your going to go whether you want to or not.”

I cursed under my breath and got up. Changing my clothes, while brushing my teeth, Jacob stared at me telling me to hurry the hell up. That made me want to slow down even more but I didn’t. After I was done getting ready me and Jacob drove to school.

I was greeted by Samantha Cunningham, a total preppy, she had this huge crush on me since kindergarten, “good morning Derek.”

“Hi Sam,” I smiled, while wanting to run away.

“I noticed you weren’t at school yesterday and Mrs Gunther said that you needed a tutor, to pass all your classes.”

“Oh you don’t have to.”

“I want to after all I’ve known you forever, we can meet up sometime this weekend, I’ll call you,” she laughed while handing me a sheet of paper, “that’s my number, I have yours but I figured you should have mine.”

“Oh thanks Sam. This is so nice of you,” I mumbled awkwardly, “well I have to get ready for class, talk to you later.”

“Okay bye!” She screamed after me.

I ran straight for my locker where Jacob was laughing, “I had to leave you with her, it was just to much.”

“I’m glad you are enjoying yourself, I got to go to class, later.”

“Derek, I am sorry, hey, if you want me to, I’ll drive you to your date.”

“Fuck you,” I laughed and then added, “I really have to go, my lady awaits.”

I walked away while Jacob burst out laughing. I continued to walk away from him, Mrs Gunther was ushering me into her classroom has homeroom bell rang. I sat beside Sierra as she smiled at me. She looked absolutely cute, “hi,” she whispered.

“So for our date tonight--”

“My mom wants to meet you, she invited you over for supper.”


“I am sorry but if she doesn’t meet you now, she’ll just go crazy,” Sierra laughed and then added, “we can go catch a movie afterwards.”

“Okay sounds like a date.”

“I’m so excited!” Sierra giggled.

“Me to,” I whispered as Mrs Gunther looked at us.

I began to feel kind of sick realising that I really liked Sierra.. She obviously wanted her mothers approval, what if her mom didn’t approve?

Not that big of a cliff-hanger... But still should be thought as one ! I will upload soon but with school around the corner it won't be as frequant... So I hope you enjoyed this chapter ! :) Chapter 10 will be the date, and a few other things ! <3333 Thank you for reading ! :)





Chels <333

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