Chapter One || Hello City Boy

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Chapter One - Hello City Boy


As we drove down the gravel driveway I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. I couldn't believe my dad was sending me to this place.

Once the driver stopped in front of the ranch house I was a little surprised. Even though I really didn't want to be here I had to admit the house was beautiful. There were hundreds of trees all around the front yard and nicely cared for bushes lined the white two story house.

As I did a quick spin, looking at everything around me, I noticed that there was a small house next to one of their many barns.

I walked up to the door and knocked. A tall, slender blond woman that looked to be in her early forties answered the door, "Hello, you must be Alexander." she had a light country accent and she wore a big smile.

"Yes, but just call me Alex." I said.

"I'm Aspen Williams, my husband isn't home right now but I can show you where your staying and get the boys to help you settle in."

She seemed nice enough so I just nodded.

She poked her head back in the door, "Lee! Jack, Jeffery come down and help Alexander!"

Soon I heard the sound of someone running down the stairs then out came two boys, one with dirty blond hair and green eyes, the one standing next to him had brown hair and brown eyes.

"This is Jackson," Aspen introduced, pointing to the boy with dirty blond hair he met my eyes and smiled bright, "And Jeffery." She pointed to the boy with brown hair. His eyes never met mine, he just stood there looking at the wooden deck while playing with a necklace around his neck.

The next person that stepped out of the house was stunning. He had the perfect muscles and beautiful emerald eyes and dirty blond hair. His cheek bones where defined along with his jaw. He looked like a sexy grown up version of his little brother Jackson. And I could tell he got his features from his beautiful mother.

He slid on his work boots and looked at me questioningly. He grinned and I felt like he was about to laugh at me.


"Nothing, come on Jack, Jeff lets go help this city boy move in." He let out an airy laugh as he brushed past me.

"Lee, be nice." His mother smacked his arm.

"Yes ma'am." He said without looking back as he walked to the car I rode here in and began grabbing bags from the back.

"Okay, follow me to your temporary home." She smiled as she headed in the direction of the house I saw earlier by the barn.

As we got closer I realized how small it was. Once we walked inside I saw that there was only one 'room', the bathroom. The rest of the house, if you would even call it that, was open plan. There was a bed in the corner which is where my things were currently being set.

There was a tv in another corner and a bookshelf beside it that had barely anything on it. Beside the bed there was a dresser and that was all that was in the house.

"Well here it is, nothing much but at least you get your own bathroom." She said.

I nodded, I guess this is where I'm supposed to say thank you but Lee came in with the last of my things.

"That's it." He said as he set the bag on the bed

"Thanks sweetie," Aspen thanked him then turned to me, "We will let you settle in a little, when Henry gets back I will send him out here."

With that they left and I began to unpack all my things.


About an hour later I had managed to put most of my clothes in the dresser. I used the bookshelf to hold a few of the books I brought with me and the only picture I brought with me. It was a picture of me, my dad and my mom, that was before things went down hill.

I had just fallen on the bed when my phone rang. I groaned knowing it was my dad and sat up, grabbing my phone and answering the call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Did you make it there okay?" He asked.


He picked up on my annoyed tone, "Listen, this is for your own good. If you would have sobered up when I told you then you wouldn't be there."

I wasn't even an alcoholic, he just assumed I was because I always came home drunk from parties. That was the only time I drank and I didn't even go to parties that much.

But one night I came home drunk off my ass and I went too far in front of my dad. I can't even remember what exactly it was about, but I know mentioned that it was his fault that my mom was dead and I knew that had to sting.

That was the last straw for my dad and that is when he sent me here.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it I just don't know why you had to send me to this dump." I complained.

"Henry is a good man and I know he will make a better one out of you. I've got to go but I'll talk to you later. Goodbye son."

"Bye dad." I said before I hung up.

Right when I put my phone back on the side table there was a knock at the door, "Come in." I said.

A man walked in and I guessed he was Henry, my guess was confirmed when he introduced himself, "I'm Henry Williams, I hope you settled in okay. Also you might want to go to sleep soon, you've got work to do tomorrow." He gave me a sly smile and before I could question him he was already out the door.

"Great." I muttered to myself as I walked to the dresser and pulled out some sweats and a t-shirt. I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower before heading to bed.

I had just got here and I was already going to work. I let out another heavy sigh before finally letting sleep take over.

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