Chapter Three || Mother F*cker

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Chapter Three - Mother F*cker


I had been at the ranch for a week now and I wanted to go home more now than in the beginning. I was sore all over from constantly working in the ranch and I never got enough sleep. Every night I fell asleep at midnight because the noise the creatures on the ranch made and I woke up at 5:30, mostly from getting ice cold water dumped on me.

Today I didn't want to get out of bed and I made it clear to Lee when he came in to wake me up.

"I'm gonna go get the water then." He said plainly.

"I don't care, just give me one fucking day off." I said with all the anger I could muster in my tired state.

"Fine, but don't come complaining to me when your forced to sleep with the horses." He said calmly.

"Whatever." I said and rolled over.

"Maybe if I go get my pa you'll be more motivated." 

"Sure go get the old man, that'll get me up and moving." 

That must have been the last straw because he suddenly snapped. He ripped the covers off of me and started yelling, "Listen here you asshole, I swear to God if you don't get more respect for my pa I'm gonna knock your teeth out."

My eyes shot open and he looked right into my eyes, nothing but anger that backed up his threat. I couldn't help but draw back in fear.

Just then his dad walked in, "You boys ready?" He looked at his seething son and my slightly frightened self and he changed his question, "What happened?"

Lee just stormed out and Henry looked at me, "What was that about?" 

I shook my head, "Nothing sir, I'll be out in a minute." I said getting up from bed and walking to my dresser to get some fresh clothes.

I knew one thing for sure, I was never doing that again.


I had went through a week of working with Alex on the farm and his whining wasn't as bad as I expected but it was still annoying. 

This morning, when I went to wake him up, the effect of working on the ranch for a week must have gotten to him because he was totally against going out and working today. I couldn't blame him, I was there once, when I was ten, but I got over it.

I was taking his disrespect calmly until he disrespected my dad, that was the last straw, I yelled at him and I could tell I scared him when he backed up. 

He needed to get over himself. I knew why he was here, my dad had told me. He was here because he was out of control, going to parties and coming home drunk.

Once my dad came in to check to see if we were ready I stormed out, I needed to calm down.

I minute later he came back out, "What happened?" He asked and I took in a breath.

I thought about answering but decided against it, "How do you know his dad?" I asked instead.

"Me and his dad are good friends, have been ever since high school." He smiled and I could see it was the truth.

"Why have we never met him?" 

"You have actually but you were really young, he came back down to Texas for your first birthday. Come to think of it, Alex was here too. But after that things got really hectic in his growing business and he couldn't really come down anymore."

"Why have you never gone there to see him?" 

"Well I have a family down here that needs to be taken care of. But I actually did go to Los Angeles once." 

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