Chapter Fourteen || Garage Sale

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I decided that since this is an important chapter, I'd let Lee take over :)

The song is Be OK by Too Far Moon you can listen to it as you read. It is just a really chill song that I figured I'd share with you lovelies.

Happy 4th of July! 

Chapter Fourteen - Garage Sale


We were all getting the all the things gathered for the garage sale. There was a little bit of everything going into the sale. Some old clothes, furniture, toys, farm tools, and more. 

Alex and I would be taking one truck full with Jack and Jeff and everyone else took the other truck with the rest of the stuff.

We would be having the garage sale where we sell our fruits and vegetables, which we brought more to sell.

As we drove down to the set up the twins wouldn't shut up, making jokes left and right, making Alex laugh his ass off. His laugh was perfect. As long as I got to hear that laugh, they could tell their cheesy jokes all day. 

Their jokes were also a distraction as today was the eleventh anniversary of his mothers death, something I knew he didn't want to think about, the twins jokes ans the garage sale serving as a distraction.

We got there before everyone else so I had the twins and Alex help me unload and set up the stand and the clothing racks. The fruit and vegetables would be sold on the stand like normal, everything else would be set up in front of the stand.

Once we had the truck unloaded and everything set up everyone else arrived and we helped unload everything. They stopped to put up signs on the way.

About an hour later we had everything set up and people started showing up.

Alex and I would help load up furniture when someone bought it. When there wasn't anymore left we sat behind the stand.

We had been there all day and there was only a bit of clothes and toys left, everything else had gone.

It was getting late so we decided to call it quits and go back to the house.

"Can we go ride?" Alex asked once we got back to the house, we hadn't even gotten out of the truck yet.

"You don't want to go alone?" I made sure to ask.

He shook his head, 'no', "But just you."

"Okay, we can take dinner with us if you want."

He nodded again and finally got out of the truck.

"I'm going to get the horses ready, can you get dinner?" He asked.

I nodded and walked in the house.

"Alex and I are going for a ride."

"Ooh, can I go?" Lily asked.

I shook my head, "Not today."

Everyone knew what today ment for Alex, but Lily didn't fully understand that he wanted to be alone, somewhat, now.

She frowned but nodded.

"Can I have dinner to go?" I asked turning to my mom.

She nodded and handed me two containers in a bag, already knowing Alex wouldn't want to sit at the table tonight.

"Thank you." I smiled and took it before going back out.

Alex had just finished putting on the saddle for Hershey, the one he would be taking today.

I got started on getting Blaze ready and once we were finished we started down one of the longer trail rides we still had about an hour before sunset.

Once we got to the end of the trail we got off and sat down on the grass and I pulled out the food and there was a flower in the bag.

Alex saw it and pulled it gently from the bag, his eyes watered as he held it close, "Gardenia. My mothers favorite." He said simply.

I nodded and opened our food, pulling out two forks.

As we began eating, he talked about his mother. Everything he remebered about her, the good and the bad.

 We had just finished our dinner and he started crying after a long moment of silence.

"Every year I think it will get a little easier but it never does." He let out a sob and I took him into my arms on instinct.

"It's going to be hard, you loved your mother, and no matter how long she's been gone, your always going to miss her." I said.

He let out another sob and clung to me, "I k-keep thinking that o-one day when I-I'm at the store o-or walking down a-a crowded side walk... sh-she will be there. T-turning into the isle I'm on, o-or running to me, th-through the herd of people."

He cried for a while and I held him until he felt like he was done. The sun was setting then and I pulled away slightly from him, "Sorry." He mumbled, wiping away his tears.

I shook my head and placed my hands on either side of his face, wiping away a tear before it could slide down his already wet cheeks. "Don't appologize."

I felt myself leaning in as I got lost in his eyes. Was I going to kiss him? Was that even appropriate right now?

But I noticed he leaned in until our lips met. We were testing the waters at first, just a little peck. But then we realized we wanted the same thing.

Each other.

Mouths opened and tongues touched. I had never kissed a guy before but I loved kissing Alex. His sweet, soft lips and those hands that traveled everywhere, as if trying to memorize my body. But he loved holding onto my arms, where my muscles would bulge as I laid him down.

When we pulled away I could barely see his face in the moon light. He was smiling, I could see that much, which in turn made me smile.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for that." He chuckled slightly, his voice still raspy from crying and his eyes still puffy and red.

"Sorry it took so long." I breathed, barely speaking above a whisper.

We laughed and kissed some more then laughed some more.

As my hand roamed around under his shirt my finger tips ran across the raised flesh of his scar, which I blamed myself for.

Alex pushed my hand away, "That's not your fault." he spoke before kissing me again.

We pulled away when there was a light shined on us and I heard my dad, "I see Lee finally came to his senses. Glad to see that you two like each other but I think it's time to head back, Aspen is worried about you two."

I wasn't as embarrassed as Alex was. I didn't care if my family knew, I liked Alex and there would be nothing they could say or do to change my mind, not that they would.

I could see Alex's red tinted cheeks in the light from the flash light my dad was holding. I picked everything up and helped Alex on his horse before hoping on mine and following Alex and my dad back to the house.

He teased us all the way back to the house, obviously not helping Alex calm down from embarrassment. 

Once we were back at the house we got the horses put up and then I walked Alex to his house, kissed his cheek goodnight with a smile.

"Goodnight, Lee." He smiled before walking in his house. 

I turned and walked into mine, going to my room and falling asleep with Alex on my mind.

So what did you think? 

Do you have any model or actor you picture as Lee or Alex? If so please message me or leave a comment.

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