Chapter Six || Here We Go Again

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Chapter Six - Here We Go Again


Today was my dad's last day and I could say that we were actually getting along. The talk that we had was very much needed and long over due.

Today we were be going to a resturant since it is my dad's last day. Aspen wanted to cook but she didn't have enough ingredients so she decided the next best thing would be going to their local diner.

I had never been here, the whole time I've stayed here, Aspen has always cooked.

I wasn't surprised that everyone knew us as we walked in. Of course they'd know the Willams, they live here and have a sale every two weeks. Then they'd know me as their charity case. Then my dad was a well respected business man with me as his reckless child.

We were sat down at a long table and started light conversation. I was sat in between my dad and Lee. Lee turned to me and started conversation, "So I see you and your dad are getting along."

I nodded, "Thanks to you and your dad we had a good talk."

Lee opened him mouth to say something but Aspen yelled, "Summer Lily! You get back here young lady."

I turned to Lee, "Wait, her names Summer?"

He laughed and nodded, "Everyone just calls her by her middle name, unless she's in trouble."

I was slightly shocked that I never knew this. I looked over and Lily was walking back to the table with her head down as she climbed into the seat beside Aspen, "Sorry mommy." she apologized.

We continued with light conversation until someone stumbled into the diner totally shit faced and pulled everyone out of there conversation.

It was Bobby and he was wobbling over to our table. I tensed up as he approached, empty liquor bottle in hand. I'm sure I've looked like that a few times going home before.

"Well if it isn't the dysfunctional family, united again." He slurred.

Before anyone could say anything else I spoke up, "Says the drunken bastard that has to put people down to make himself feel good, and who gets your son's to do all of your dirty work." I growled back.

"What can I say? It's a hobby." He smirked, waving around the bottle.

"I think it's time you get a new one." I glared at him.

"I don't think I'll be taking advice from a drunk," He laughed, "If you think about it, we are kind of the same." He put the bottle to his lips and tilted it up and got the last drop before throwing it at us, it hit Aspen and shattered on the floor. Something snapped in me as I hear her scream, I thought about my mom and I jumped up from my seat and reached over the table to grab him by the neck.

I pulled him up to my face and whispered in his ear as he clawed at my hands and gagged and Lee tried to pull me off, "We are not they same, and I swear to God, if you come anywhere near this family again, I won't let go next time."

I could hear the girls screaming and Henry, Lee and my dad yelling at me to let go as they pulled on me but I couldn't just yet. Finally when his eyes were fluttering I let him go and shoved him on the ground.

Lee still held on to my shoulders as Bobby gulped in air, "What the hell was that?" Lee asked, panting.

My hands were shaking now as I looked around, everyone staring at me. I looked at Henry and he had an unreadable expression on his face, same with Lee. I looked at Aspen who was clutching her shoulder, "Are you okay?" I asked her.

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