Epilogue || I Do (Part 1)

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Song is Fire and the Flood by Vance Joy.

Epilogue - I Do (Part 1)

Seven years later.


Lee and I had graduated college a year before and his family came to see him graduate, all of them. I even got to see him graduate because our ceremonies were on different days.

At the big dinner my dad planned for us at a fancy place, Lee proposed to me.

We had been together for six years, it already felt like we were married but he wanted to make it official and so did I.

Since our second year in college, my dad had bought us a condo that was right between my school and Lee's school. It was a gift to us and we happily excepted, because the long drive we made every day was getting unbearable, but we made it past a year of doing that and were rewarded.

And eventually I started an internship with my fathers company and Lee did the same with a well known aquarium close by.

With that came crazy schedules and a short time where we could see each other when we weren't sleeping.

But we made it past that and now, a year after we graduated my dad has already stepped down as CEO and I have taken his place.

Lee had been working at a good paying aquarium but as the new year started we were thinking about opening our own Marine Rehabilitation Park, where injured marine life can be saved then released, there would also be a small aquarium for guests to see and mess with some of the animals.

Lee had been talking about doing it since he graduated, with gathered all the facts, all the finances and what we'll do if it doesn't take off like we'd like it to, then we know what to do with it.

But what Lee doesn't know is that I had already set it up for construction and it was almost through, it would be done by the time we got back from our honeymoon. It was at the spot he loved that we looked at and just the right size, he had created the blue prints and when I got them looked at to be turned into the real thing, everything was perfect, there was no flaw.

Now back to the present, Lee and I were planning our wedding like we had been for the past two weeks. But we had the help of Aspen and Amber, who went to school and became a designer in fashion and in a home, or in our case, a wedding. Amber was also accompanied by her wife, Grace. They had just gotten married the previous year.

I was tired of looking at napkin designs so I just leaned against Lee, "You just choose one." I yawned. I had worked all day and we were still out from when I got off at seven, to now, ten.

"You have to both agree." Amber sighed.

Lee wrapped an arm around me and said, "Maybe we should continue this tomorrow."

Amber nodded, "Okay, but tomorrow is Saturday and you will be finding suits to wear."

I nodded, my eyes already closed as Lee gave his reply, "Alright, what time do we need to be there?"

"Around ten." Amber said.

We stood and I hugged them all before Lee and I walked out and got into my black Audi r8. Lee drove us back home.

Once we were at our front door I could already hear our two joys scratch at the door impatiently.

Once Lee got the door open, our two dogs, Duke and Zoe. Both were rescue dogs, Duke was a mix between a German Shepherd and Husky mix. His previous owner left tied up in the summer heat at the beach as a puppy. Lee didn't hesitate to pick him up and bring him back home, at first I was skeptical, and I hated the damn thing because it pooped and peed everywhere but then Lee potty trained him and he stopped chewing on everything and I started to warm up to him.

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