Chapter Eight || Wrong Idea & Chapter Nine || I'm Sorry

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I never published this because I didn't know how or if I wanted to finish the story after these two so I stopped and worked on the ones that are published now.

I just wanted to make something dramatic to satisfy my writing needs :)


Chapter Eight - Wrong Idea


I walked into the house and found Aspen and the rest of the kids in the living room.

This week had been a though one. I was losing myself in the growing crush I had for Lee. It was stupid and I wish I could have fallen for someone else, anyone else.

I figured working my ass off would make it better but it was just making it worse as I worked with him.

"Um, Aspen?"

"Yes, sweetheart?" She turned to me.

"I know I've never asked before. But, I'd like to know if I could borrow you're car."

"What for?"

"I just want to get some air at the park." That wasn't a complete lie.

She nodded, "Okay, take your phone and call me or Lee if you get into trouble. My keys are on the kitchen island."

I nodded, "Thank you." I smiled and went to grab the keys.

I walked out just as Lee was walking in, "Where are you going?"

"The park."

He stopped like he was going to say something but then nodded and walked inside.

I wanted to scream at him, 'Say what's on your mind!' but I didn't, I'd just be a hypocrite. I just got in the car and drove to the nearest liquor store.

I got out and walked in, grabbing the first big bottle of vodka I found then walked to the cashier. He gave me the bottle after I paid for it and I walked back to the car and drove to the park.

The park was deserted, it was only me and my bottle. I opened the bottle and started drinking.

I don't know how long I was there, I just know that I started to feel it when the bottle was empty.

I randomly started crying and then I got pissed and threw the bottle at a tree where it shattered. Then I started crying again and felt really bad because I had made so much progress with the manners shit and respect and letting go of my partying side. Yet here I was, drunk off my ass and crying like a baby.

I felt especially bad for not telling Aspen the truth. I shouldn't have drank the whole bottle, I shouldn't have gotten it in the first place.

I sighed as I fished my phone out of my pocket. I found Lee's contact and dialed it.

He answered on the third ring and he sounded tired, "Alex?"

I tried to talk but I burst into another sob, "Alex, is everything okay?"

I shook my head, as if he could see that, "N-No." I managed, "I-I'm s-sorry, I sh-shouldn't have gotten a-a bottle."

"Where are you?"

"Th-The park." I said and hung up placing the phone to my forehead as I cried harder.

I don't know when he got there, I just know that I didn't stop crying.

"Alex? Alex?" He called until he was at the bench.

"What did you do?" He asked kneeling down in front of me.

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