Chapter Fifteen || Going Out With A Bang

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Song is Ordinary Human by One Republic

Chapter Fifteen - Going Out With A Bang 

A L E X A N D E R 

Lee had kissed me.

That was all that was running through my mind, with a smile pinned on my face.

But as happy as that thought made me, the reality of our situation came crashing down the day before my dad flew down to pick me up and have one long good talk with his best friend.

We were currently sitting down on the bench looking at the rows and rows of beautiful flowers. His arm wrapped around me as I leaned against him.

Everyone knew that we were together, the only people he actually had a conversation about it with were his parents.

Lee never 'came out' to his family necessarily because he was never really one for labels.

"I'm leav-" I started but Lee shushed me.

"Don't." He said simply.

I looked up at him, "You can't ignore it. I'm leaving tomorrow, Lee."

He looked down at me and I added, "I wanted to know if you'd come with me. I know you haven't gotten any of your letters back from college to see if you got in but I'm sure you did, even if you didn't there is so many other things you can do in California, without a degree."

He looked so at war with himself, debating between staying her and helping his dad or moving away, with me and going to California.

He still hadn't told his dad about the idea and every time I get up to go tell him Lee pulls me back down.

With a huff I got up and out of the bench I headed for the barn, which I knew Henry would be working in, "Alex, wait." Lee said getting up.

I didn't stop, just picked up my pace when I knew Lee was catching up. I eventually ran into the barn and spotted Henry, working on their tractor.

"Henry!" I yelled before Lee could drag me out, his arms were already wrapped around me, ready to carry me away but he stopped when Henry looked over.

"What are you two doing?" He asked, putting down the tool he was using.

"Lee applied for colleges in California, we don't know if he got accepted or not but I still offered to take him with me. His problem is leaving you, I think he feels you need his help to keep the farm, but I don't really know." I finally sighed, "Do you want Lee to stay or can he go?"

Henry smiled, "You two are something else. Lee answer this, don't be thinking about me or the farm when you do, okay?"

Lee nodded, still holding onto me, but no longer to carry me out. He was nervous.

"Do you love, Alex?" Henry asked.

Lee looked down at me and smiled, "Yes."

"Do you want to move with him to California?"

He paused.

"Lee, stop thinking abut the farm, we will be fine without you. You have to go out and live your life too sometime."

Lee finally gave it good thought and nodded, "Yeah, I'd like to go to California."

"There you have it, you're going." Henry said making me smile and turn in his arms so I was facing him.

"You could stay for a week or two and see if you even like it and if you don't, I'm sure your dad will let you come back." I said.

"No, I won't." Henry said, already back at work, making us laugh.

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