Chapter Two || Get to Work City Boy

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Chapter Two - Get to Work City Boy


I woke up slightly when someone shook me, I groaned and rolled over.

When I was shook again I heard someone's voice with it, "Papa told me to wake you up." The voice was small and sounded like it belonged to a little girl.

I rolled back over and opened my eyes slightly to see a little girl standing at the side of the bed, "What time is it?" I asked, my voice hoarse from sleep.

"5:30." She said with a smile just like her mother's.

"Can you give me about two more hours?" I asked, my eyes closing again.

"Lee will get the ice water if you don't get up." She said.

"Whatever." I mumbled as I pulled the covers higher.

I heard little feet walk to the door then it open and close.

I sighed and I dozed off. But it didn't last long.

I had a rude awakening when I felt water being poured all over me and then I was cold all over.

I sat up in bed and my eyes flew open, I looked over to see a smiling Lee, "What the hell?"

"You should have listened to Lily." He threw a towel at me, "Be outside ready to work in five minutes."

I grumbled as I got up and began drying my hair out. I got to the dresser and pulled out something that wasn't too nice. I didn't want anything nice to get ruined.

I walked to the bathroom and changed, still cold from the ice water.

Once I walked outside Lee was leaning against one of the trees waiting patiently.

"Took you long enough, Los Angeles." Or not so patiently.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Well if someone wouldn't have dumped water on me it wouldn't have taken as long."

"If someone would have waken up on time then I wouldn't have had to dump water on you."

I was about to shoot back but Henry appeared, "Alright boys, that's enough. You need to get to work."

"Yes sir." Lee said, turning serious in a matter of seconds.

"You boys will start on repainting the barn. Lee, teach Mr. Beckett the rules around here while your working."

"Yes sir," He said to his father, "Alexander come with me."

I followed him to a shed where he pulled out a few buckets of paint and brushes. "You ever painted... well anything before?" He asked as he closed the shed and handed me the buckets of paint, which were heavier than they looked.

"No," I answered his question, "I've never had to."

"Well I'll teach you how, it's pretty simple."

I didn't even know there was a certain way to paint.

When we got to the barn we would be repainting, I saw that it would most likely take a while.

I set the buckets down and Lee picked one up and shook it around before opening it. He grabbed one of the pain brushes and dipped it in the paint.

He put it against the wood of the barn and lightly stroked it up and down, covering the old chipped paint with a new bright red coat, "See, it's easy. Just grab a brush, dip it in the paint and be sure to stroke up and down only so it doesn't look sloppy."

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