The (Un)expected Realization

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Baekhyun opened a door to an empty room and placed Sehun's bag onto the floor. He grinned and pulled the taller boy in. The room had a tatami flooring to Sehun's surprise and it was huge. He gaped as Baekhyun slid a door open to reveal a cupboard. He walked over to the other side of the room and opened the way to the bathroom too before turning to look at Sehun.

"This is your room starting from today!" Baekhyun announced and widened his hands. Sehun was rather speechless. His previous room was already considered okay size to him but this... this was on a different scale. It was so spacious. Clearly it was thrice the size of his previous room. A maid walked into the room with mattresses in her arms and also pillows on top. Sehun unconciously took the pillows away and Baekhyun hopped over to help with the mattress.

"Ah! It's okay, young master. I can handle these," She stammered and was flustered when both boys started arranging the things she brought over.

"Heeju, could you perhaps bring those thicker pillows from the storage? And also ask Jaegi-sshi to order a table so that Sehun can study. Oh, a drawer too," Baekhyun ordered and the maid nodded while bowing before leaving. Sehun just blinked in surprise. Baekhyun had such a different vibe about him but when their eyes met, his usual smile appeared again.

"Are you sure about spending so much money on me?" Sehun whispered while arranging the pillows. Baekhyun widened his eyes like he was even surprised Sehun bothered asking.

"Are you kidding me? I could spend at least that much on you since I'm your host. Don't fret it, Sehun. I want you to feel comfortable here and homely definitely," Baekhyun chuckled while straightening out the mattress. Sehun stared at him for awhile before remembering he wanted to ask him something.

"Uh... Baekhyun hyung... I want to ask you something," Sehun said and Baekhyun glanced at him curiously.

"Yeah? If it's whether I have the money to do this or not, yes I do so don't question that." Sehun gulped.

"No. It's abou-."

"BAEKHYUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN!!!!" A loud deep voice filled the air and a large shadow loomed over the sky outside before it entered the room. The gigantic size of a man pounced onto Baekhyun who fell backwards at the impact. They both crashed onto the floor and Sehun winced at the sound. The fluffy haired teenager hugged Baekhyun tightly.

"Yeollie?! I thought you were in boarding school?" Baekhyun yelped as he shoved him aside. Sehun just stared at this sudden outcome with surprise. Everything about Baekhyun and his surroundings sure was surprising and new. The boy had a happy grin and twinkling eyes when he looked at Baekhyun.

"I was. But I was told that you were in the hospital and I was so so afraid something happened so I took a day off," he replied with his deep thick voice which was contrasting his baby face.

"If I seriously ended up in the hospital, you jumping on me like that would have landed me right back into the hospital, stupid!" Baekhyun snapped and whacked the other's head. Sehun shifted his position, causing them both to look at him. He immediately felt uneasy.

"Oh hey! Didn't see you there. I'm Chanyeol. Baekhyun's childhood friend," he introduced himself quickly and Sehun couldn't find his voice. He just nodded and stepped back again. Baekhyun pulled his ear and frowned. "What did I do this time????" Chanyeol whined.

"Nothing. Just being noisy. That's all you ever do, don't you?" Baekhyun sighed and released his hold. Chanyeol pouted and rubbed his ear before standing up while pulling Baekhyun up with him.

"So who's he then?" Chanyeol asked while scanning Sehun. Sehun didn't find him that tall now that they were both standing. They were around the same height and Sehun was probably taller too.

"He's a friend. Name is Sehun and he will be staying here starting today. He's the one who was in the hospital, not me," Baekhyun explained and Chanyeol grinned in response.

"Eh~ How come I don't get to stay here too?" He purred while swinging his arm over Baekhyun's shoulder and attempted to strangle him.

"Because you live in a freaking big house yourself! And you go for boarding school," Baekhyun yelled while kicking Chanyeol away. To be honest, Sehun felt extremely odd standing there. He felt left out and felt like a foreign substance. They seemed so close and Sehun felt so far. He even seemed so distant and it made his chest throbbed. He didn't want to disturb them either. He felt like he didn't have the right to.

"Oh have you go greet my mum? You know how she loves you so damn much right?" Baekhyun shooed Chanyeol who gasped and ran out from the room. Sehun stood there silently as the room's atmosphere turned back into its previous silence but only a little more awkward this time. Baekhyun sighed and stretched.

"Sorry about that. Chanyeol is such a happy virus. He didn't use to be like that though. He was always so serious and would find fights. I'm glad he changed for the better," Baekhyun said with a relieved smile. Sehun didn't know what to say.

"Did he give you a headache? I'll get you some aspirin if you need. I'm really sorry about his attitude." Sehun looked at Baekhyun and shook his head.

"No. I'm fine. Just trying to get used to things around here," Sehun replied, half lying.

"Anyways, what were you about to say before this?" Baekhyun asked and Sehun flinched slightly.

"Ah... I... Maybe later," he changed his tone midway when the maid from earlier walked in again with thick pillows. Baekhyun lifted his brows in curiosity but decided to let it be for now since Sehun started taking his clothes to arrange them. Chanyeol also came back soon after and helped them arrange everything.

Chanyeol seems more suitable to be Baekhyun's other than me.... He's more cheerful and happier and the complete opposite of me. He'll be a better person for Baekhyun... What am I even stressing about, I haven't even confirmed if we are dating. We just kissed and that's all. Right? No one confessed to the other. I just bawled my eyes out and told him how I really feel which didn't include me saying I like him. Wait. I like Baekhyun sunbae? I'm.... gay?

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